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  1. R

    Stock picks

    If disney gets to 79-80, I think I'll sell some puts. It would be a 8 year low. Tesla has broken the neckline of a multi year chart. Going MUCH lower imo.
  2. R

    How high will mortgage rates climb in the next 36 months?

    I closed on a house on November 2nd 1981 (pretty much peak interest rates and 41 years ago tomorrow). Prices maybe came down A LITTLE but who knows because houses didn't really sell a whole lot. Lots of whining and complaining at that time that sellers weren't putting houses on the market any...
  3. R

    Paypal considered deducting $2500 from customer bank accounts for misinformation

    When paypal was just starting out, maybe 20+ years ago, I considered them an evil company and I think they may have made it to most hated or mistrusted company at that time (since then they turned themselves around to be one of the most trusted). They would lock people's accounts with lots of...
  4. R

    Paypal considered deducting $2500 from customer bank accounts for misinformation

    Some but the company gets lots of recurring donations (like if you donated to your church on a weekly/monthly basis type thing). Real problem for them. They are small and now they have to contact every donor who had a cancelled donation to see if they still wish to donate and if it continues...
  5. R

    Hidden Canyon - Selling Strategy or Selling Mistake?

    If the euro falls more (say to 80% parity) and if prices drop further, you could see a pretty sweet deal....... like when chinese were buying here with the favorable yuan/dollar.
  6. R

    Paypal considered deducting $2500 from customer bank accounts for misinformation

    Hubby just told me finance called him and 60 transactions for his nonprofit were cancelled today........ all from paypal. They are calling the donors and each one is reissuing with direct credit card payments but so far they have all said they cancelled their paypal accounts. And they are a...
  7. R

    Hidden Canyon - Selling Strategy or Selling Mistake?

    One of my European cousins bought a house in Italy years ago to retire in because the cost of living is so much less in Italy. LOTS of really super poor people there so you have to watch where u buy.
  8. R

    Paypal considered deducting $2500 from customer bank accounts for misinformation

    Puts are going to pay off bigly on this one. Won't be surprised if it just goes down like FB did.
  9. R


    What is unplanned maintenance? They had to fix half the grids all at one time because they are old and no oil company will build a new one? So Newsom is on the sly again for ya all that make more than a million bucks......... time to pay your fair share is coming...
  10. R


    They have to shut down to switch to winter blend. They do it every year and there is always a bump up in price but gas has been going up for longer than switching blends and the rapid rise in prices is not what we have gotten in previous years. Nonetheless...... just like pot news today, gas...
  11. R


    California has their own refineries. They cannot get oil from the east because there is no pipeline. AZ is dependent on CA for 60% of our gas, unfortunately. Since the price continues to be low in Tuscon area, the fault mostly lies with California refineries. It's been going up elsewhere too...
  12. R


    And honestly California just rips off drivers. You can still get gas on the way out of AZ for $3.89 ($3.39 in the Tuscon area) but drive right over the border and it's $6.50+ So now Newsom has a new plan. Lets tax the oil companies and give the money back to the drivers. Sure........... for who...
  13. R


    California is the worst for rising gas prices but most areas have been recently going up alot. Historically, when winter blend is coming, prices go up before they drop because the refiners have to switch blends. So Newsom is blaming the oil companies and refiners and is switching to winter...
  14. R

    Congress Elections

    Yup. Knew it was coming.
  15. R

    EV/Plug-in/Other vehicles

    But that is the California way, right? By the time it's entrenched, the state conveniently lets you know they don't make enough from gas taxes and need to charge a fee per mile. By then with lower number of ICE vehicles on the road, gas should be lower. Of course California will probably make...
  16. R

    New Listing - Marin Plan 2 detached condo @ Eastwood (78 Meander)

    If the dollar strengthens again, it makes it even more expensive for foreign buyers.
  17. R

    Stock picks

    With the plunge in the bond yields it would seem so. But I bet the fed is none too happy to see the rally in oil and metals ripping higher. Not too many chess pieces left for the fed to move around. Tsla will be oversold technically after this move down but imo, this is not the end of the...
  18. R

    Stock picks

    Tsla came in low on deliveries. If the 52 week low should break, I think 180-200 should be a tradeable bottom. Eventually I think that will break.
  19. R

    Stock picks

    I feel like JC is just going to come out whacking everyone. The race up in bonds today, what was that? QT maybe? The Dow was here in March 2020 and five days later it bottomed out after a huge move down. It could happen again. Still remembering that Friday in Oct 87 when the SP moved below...
  20. R

    How high will mortgage rates climb in the next 36 months?

    You are happy with your purchase? CheckMate. Have a great weekend and enjoy your home.