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  1. R

    Is there a Global Crisis on its way?

    The faster and farther rates go up, the more likely kaboom is coming. Lots of chatter about credit suisse a few months ago and I thought........ bet there is more shoes to drop. Usually the fed steps in and drops rates eventually after denying anything is really wrong. Add the OC BK to the...
  2. R

    How high will mortgage rates climb in the next 36 months?

    Tay Mo raising prices AGAIN tomorrow. This is the second increase in a month. And still the massive downturn never got to where I bought my houses, so I guess that is happening.......................... after they have to lower again. LOL! This is a repeat of 1981. Rates rose alot. Lots of...
  3. R

    What is reasonable here?

    $600K for 3/2 unless it's a mobile home in Irvine is not going to happen. Realtors would buy the place out before it even hits the market and if not, investors would snap them up. Irvine is nearly built out as is central OC and will always be a good place to rent, imo. June move for a renter...
  4. R

    Housing Analysis

    Read all the articles you want. Tay Mo NEVER dropped their prices 25% from the peak, not even close and they are selling even after they just raised. Gehan homes just raised their base prices in Phoenix area and now I see Lennar just raised great park homes. I'm looking at new homes. Resales...
  5. R

    Housing Analysis
  6. R

    Real Estate Advice Column

    You are surely right (I jest) unless u buy into LL's scenario of prices dropping for years. If u want to really know what I think.......... u cannot have everything. If you want Irvine, u have to give up on SOMETHING and buying Lennar seems to be one option...... or pay up. What will happen...
  7. R

    Real Estate Advice Column

    Tay Mo is raising prices in Phoenix area.
  8. R

    Real Estate Advice Column

    You could wait and see if Toll Brothers builds a 4 bedroom in Irvine for under a million.
  9. R

    Still severe drought.

    We've had these periods of drought and extreme rain before.......... when we had only 10 million people in California. That's why the Santa Ana river was enlarged and that is why hoover dam was built. That's why the mayor of L.A. said if it's yellow, be mellow and if it's brown, flush it down...
  10. R

    Still severe drought.

    $27 billion approved by voters in the last 20 years and nothing done about storage. Noah wasn't waiting for the rain to build the arc.
  11. R

    Still severe drought.

    Nice improvement in California..... All that red that was there is where the crops are grown.
  12. R

    Real Estate Advice Column

    Alot of houses don't pay mello in Irvine now. You'll always have people who look at "value" and they will be more likely to buy somewhere with no mello and the lowest price per sq foot. When things go back up, value lags in gains.
  13. R

    Real Estate Advice Column

    I tried to tell him/her the negatives of those three story units and he/she promptly told me they love them and want to buy one. As for mello.......... you can't have everything in Irvine. That's why when u buy elsewhere and get all the boxes checked except for being in Irvine, you will always...
  14. R

    Real Estate Advice Column

    Have you tried the Lennar homes in the Great Park? Lennar has been lowering prices and they have a 4 br 3 story on redfin for slightly over a million. Includes "everything" so you won't be paying a lot for upgrades...
  15. R

    Planning our next vacation

    You know your kids can WORK there in the summer when they are older, right? The pay is terrible but you get room and board (taken out of your pay) and your time off you spend in the park (they gave us a non published book of back trails which of course is probably all on line now). One of my...
  16. R

    Planning our next vacation

    I can't make it this summer but my number one place is Yellowstone. It's an amazing national park. Haven't been there since I worked there while on a summer break from college. Unfortunately majorly overcrowded now so you need reservations super early for the Lodges.
  17. R

    Irvine Great Park Property Tax Question

    To follow up, you're buying in Irvine because u feel it's the best area in the center of the county, right? Of course that will keep values higher than other areas, assuming nothing changes (schools, crime, etc). It will also appreciate the best as those looking to buy will want the better...
  18. R

    Irvine Great Park Property Tax Question

    It's not always like that. A house is somewhere to live, number one. But if you plan on reselling it, then it's an investment too and you have to think how u will compete with other resales. Irvine is nearly built out so it will be resale vs resale. If there is anything that u r using to get a...
  19. R

    Newer Irvine listings with crazy WTF asking prices from equity sellers

    $2.5 Million. So prices haven't gone down in Irvine, LOL!