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  1. M

    Windows 7?

    If its anything like Vista pricing/tiering, any "ultimate" edition allows you to upgrade to the 64 bit for free-ish; only the cost of the materials and shipping from MS. I did this with one of my copies of vista ultimate x32 and get a new x64 DVD (with box and new cd-key) for like 10 bucks...
  2. M

    H1N1 vaccine

    It's because only certain "at risk" adults were strongly urged to get them, while every parent thinks "the worst thing in the world might happen to my babies!" and rushes out to get it immediately.
  3. M

    Benzene were found in Former Tustin Marine Base

    OMG EVERYONE IN ALABAMA IS GOING TO DIE TOOOOOOOO <a href="">Benzine Contamination Article for AL</a>
  4. M

    Windows 7?

  5. M

    Bike Tune Up Recommendations

    Some of it depends on the time of year and the recent rainfall (quality/stickiness of the terrain), and some of it is just getting familiar with the trail. The last 2 weeks it has been excellent. What kind of bike are you riding?
  6. M

    30 Senators who like Rape pillaging and Rape

    Yes, you did call me out on my defense counsel leanings. :) As Minimorty pointed out, however, the "leanings" in arbitration generally do not stem from the fact-finders being biased for the employers. Juries are often persuaded by sob stories that really arent anyone's fault. A...
  7. M

    the Celebrity won an undeserved award

    Yes, many people in the last 5 years have been all geared up about this being a "war" - I think it was self serving and a fallacy. If you want to declare war on (fill in the blank of the organization), then fine. Do that and engage them as such. But a war on "terror"? Has anyone thought how...
  8. M

    the Celebrity won an undeserved award

    Nude: where to begin. If they were treated as spies and executed - fine. But that is not the case because they are not spying from a foreign sovereign nation. Even then, most spies are NOT executed, but detained and later traded or sentenced. Death is an optional punishment. Either way...
  9. M

    the Celebrity won an undeserved award

    But this explanation fails to account for the legal anomalies of declaring foreign nationals, who are on our soil, to be "foreign combatants" - using the "prisoner of war" concept to exempt them from the protections of the US Constitution while, paradoxically, not recognizing them as foreign...