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  1. M

    Do your computer a favor

    Toolbars from the big tech companies are generally benign as far as security risks, but not as far as privacy and system bloat. Its yet ANOTHER program running on your system that has to be accessed and started up when you start your browser. It also serves as a persistent (supposedly...
  2. M

    Do your computer a favor

    You are correct. Passive means that you go and open the program (its not running all the time) and tell it to do a scan, then close it when it is done. And I say that active virus protection is almost never worth the hassle because it often involves very strict antivirus rules for scanning...
  3. M


  4. M

    Do your computer a favor

    Yeah, even my most-cynical tech review sites had great things to say about the MS virus program. Apparently it has memory swapping (cycling and unloading V definitions after using them before grabbing the next, to keep total ram usage next to nothing), CPU throttling (it knows not to work when...
  5. M

    Do your computer a favor

    While we're on the topic of helping your computer, we might as well go all the way. The following program is excellent all-around maintenance. Its also very small/lightweight. <a href="">CCleaner</a> Be sure to UNCHECK the boxes for...
  6. M

    Do your computer a favor

    I'm no MS fan, I use their products because they are ubiquitous. Their newly released FREE antivirus program, however, is downright excellent. <a href="">Microsoft Security Essentials</a> I cannot stand the big 3 antivirus programs because...
  7. M

    Cell Phone Reviews

    Did you have 3G on your treo? The treos, unless it was the very latest model, were not 3G capable for quite a while.
  8. M

    Peet?s to buy Diedrich Coffee for $213 million

    I dont know how I feel about this. I was sad to see Diedrich's go, but I continued to buy their K-cups. I like Peet's and all, but I hope they dont change anything.
  9. M

    Windows 7?

    Yeah, like Vista, win7 will do an excellent job of finding your drivers for you. Then again, they updated XP to do a better job of 3rd party driver hunting shortly after Vista came out too. I stopped installing from the manufacturers' support page for everything except my video drivers and...
  10. M


  11. M

    Windows 7?

    I've been running win7 since the first beta release, along with every step through the RC1. I can tell you it will be stable, but I wouldnt expect miracles over vista. It does, however, do a better job of slimming itself down or spreading itself out to accommodate your specific system specs -...
  12. M

    Cell Phone Reviews

    Right, but the text and voicemail services were down for certain parts of the state. Other parts of the country had no voice. Some had no data. It was weird. I had no text, but could use voice and net.