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  1. Stuff It_IHB


  2. Stuff It_IHB

    What are your thoughts on my neighbor?

    I dont blame him for using the water while the house was bank owned, but to use it after the new owner has moved in (and giving you a lame/false excuse) - thats just stealing (mind you - prior to you moving in it was stealing from the bank - but since our taxes are going to the banks I don't...
  3. Stuff It_IHB

    Shady Canyon

  4. Stuff It_IHB

    Ideal Home Brokers?

    What I find interesting: 1. No one commented on your thread 2. Comments where not allowed on the blog for this article Given the 2nd item above I would have expected comments in the forum but there weren't any at all. Maybe no one does care what IHB does?
  5. Stuff It_IHB

    Having Twins

    Twins runs in the family. So I was afraid that I might have twins (cousins are twins). It would be good for them to grow up together, they would always have someone to play with. The idea of having to look after 2 new born babies does not appeal to me - one is hard enough.
  6. Stuff It_IHB

    Economic sentiment 9/09

    Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering,
  7. Stuff It_IHB

    Economic sentiment 9/09

    I am in the depression stage - depressed because I can't buy a house because they are all over priced
  8. Stuff It_IHB

    Having Twins

  9. Stuff It_IHB

    Do you currently rent or own?

    Sold at peak (due to luck). Now I am waiting for the trough - waiting..... waiting....