Search results

  1. someguy

    New Listing - View Lot Home in Lake Forest @ Baker Ranch (33 Heliotrope)

    Incredible. If it's not obvious to everyone on this board by now, the best choice anyone buying or selling in OC can make is to pick you for their agent and follow your advice. You consistently do right for anyone you represent.
  2. someguy

    Orchard Hills 4 - "The Summit" Updates

    In related news, Today TIC put up 88 lucky billboards in Beijing to advertise OH4.
  3. someguy

    New Listing - View Lot Home in Lake Forest @ Baker Ranch (33 Heliotrope)

    Beautiful house and view, excellent staging and pictures. No doubt there's going to be a happy buyer and seller soon.
  4. someguy

    The Meadows, Lake Forest by Toll Brothers

    The school was a brilliant marketing ploy by TB. There's no legal recourse. 1) The uncertainty of the school was disclosed by TB in purchase documents 2) The city declined to build the school, so the option passed to SVUSD 3) SVUSD declined to build the school, so the land reverted back to...
  5. someguy

    The Meadows, Lake Forest by Toll Brothers

    $2.9M, $3.0M*, and $3.2M
  6. someguy

    The Meadows, Lake Forest by Toll Brothers

    Based only on the square footage range and borrowed pictures, it looks like The Sequoias will be a reboot of The Evergreens. Agreed on the location being among the worst in The Meadows. I wonder if the builder will do anything to adjust for that, like larger lots, a park that isn't a death...
  7. someguy

    Epic 3D Tour

    Aww sad face, the 3D tour is gone. Well, at least it will live on in infamy here on TI.
  8. someguy

    Epic 3D Tour

    Check out the 3D tour before the realtor realizes what they did. Some screen shots attached. Looks like there was a water problem on the 2nd floor. What a strange time to take a Matterport camera through the house and for the broker to publish...
  9. someguy

    New Listing - Amara Plan 2 home @ Serrano Summit in Lake Forest (682 Athos)

    Any transaction with Martin representing the seller is peak pricing :-)
  10. someguy

    New communities in Portola Springs

    Only the finest most luxurious detergent used in this transaction.
  11. someguy

    Presidential Elections

    They'll just raise taxes on the rich who haven't left CA, as per usual. Tax the rich, pay their fair share, blah blah blah. This state is a disaster. Some of the highest sales and income taxes...
  12. someguy

    Orchard Hills 4 - "The Summit" Updates

    Uh oh.... bad news ahead for OH4.
  13. someguy

    Solar Panels Savings to Decrease by 33% in CA

    I miss the days when it was okay to attribute someone's success to their talent, commitment, and sacrifice.
  14. someguy

    Solar Panels Savings to Decrease by 33% in CA

    I imagine they'll let people default into the highest tier unless they prove their income is lower with a copy of their most recently filed tax return. Probably administered by a third party until they can plug straight into the FTB or IRS "for our convienence" Definitely wouldn't surprise me...
  15. someguy

    Solar Panels Savings to Decrease by 33% in CA

    I wish the requirement was still up for debate, but it's already decided. The only thing we're waiting on is for the utility commission to work out the details with the utility companies.
  16. someguy

    Solar Panels Savings to Decrease by 33% in CA

    This is old news, but it doesn't seem discussed much when talking about the change in electricity billing starting around 2025. In short, SCE will drop the electricity rate by about 33% and impose a fixed fee based on household income...
  17. someguy

    Olivewood at Portola Springs by New Home Co.

    The other thing I would add here is many of these highly compensated tech employees receive compensation in the form of (restricted) stock/options as well as large year end bonuses, which are typically predicated on individual and/or division/company performance, not guaranteed (though big tech...
  18. someguy

    Olivewood at Portola Springs by New Home Co.

    Congrats Calbears, I'm happy to hear this is working out for you and your wife!
  19. someguy

    Tustin Air Base Hangar on fire

    Any word on what caused the fire? My money is on homeless people.
  20. someguy

    Presidential Elections

    I sincerely hope neither Trump nor Biden run for 2024. Politics and policies aside, Biden is barely coherent and half the country has a severe negative emotional reaction to anything attached to the Trump name. It's a no win choice.