For sake of argument, lets say the worst of this Recesssion is past and the economy improves (even marginally) from here and early 2009 is the trough.
Didnt the early 90s recession end around 92 ? I know California had more localized problems than the rest of the nation in the early to mid...
<a href="">This</a> one street over has Backup Offers around 575k after just 7 days. Lot and house are much larger, but $319 per SF seems a little pricey for this 55 year old house in 92780
I was only speaking for this tract and the surrounding tracts. I used to get letters in the mail every few years. $400 if you schedule with us by X date for something that normally costs $1200. There is some semi-mandatory date, but they may not enforce it these days.
Are lofts classified as "condos" ? No more FHA loans for condos come October 1st.
EDIT : I stupidly and quickly misread the article.
<a href="">New FHA...
Located for years on Katella where it meets the 55 freeway, I have never been to this place : Shiki
I know Benihana is well known for Teppanyaki, but is Shiki any good ?
Or others around OC better ?