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  1. xoneinax_IHB

    Villages of Columbus - Columbus Square - Camden Place

    Land-transfer b/t Construction division of Lennar to Marketing division ? Year Built: 2008
  2. xoneinax_IHB


    Its not really very dangerous down there on Tustin Village/Lyon/Pasadena/Williams/Mitchell/etc; I am sure there are plenty of property crimes, drunk and disorderlies, and domestic disputes, but I have not heard much about any recent murders, rapes, or other violent felonies committed against...
  3. xoneinax_IHB

    Real Housewives of OC update

    RedFin says Year Built:2008; that is why I was confused. So he bought a teardown around 6/25/09, got this new yellow house built in about 1 month, and listed it on 8/12/09; thats a very quick turnaround. Or did he have this built in 2008 and the 6/25/09 transaction for $421,500 is...
  4. xoneinax_IHB

    Any Advice on Corona?

    Is Corona at 1% yet ?
  5. xoneinax_IHB


    The auctioneer lady could never go through that many if she tried
  6. xoneinax_IHB

    Can you name all 14 bubbles?

    <b>If</b> the dollar was to significantly devalue, could today's knife catchers be the smart ones. Borrowing today to obtain homes and using "cheaper" money down the road to pay off the leverage ?
  7. xoneinax_IHB

    29 Grape Arbor in Northwood II (another flipper listing coming to an MLS near you)

    If there is going to be a lower opening bid, is it almost always updated and shown the day preceding the auction ? Or does the auctioneer/trustee sometimes announce a lower opening bid on the spot ?
  8. xoneinax_IHB

    Willowick Greens - Santa Ana New Homes

    Have the prices yet dropped to 300k ?
  9. xoneinax_IHB

    Who remembers Farrells Ice Cream Parlour?

    The Farrells in Orange was a blast too