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  1. xoneinax_IHB

    Regular vs "Zero" Grout Lines

    bkshopr, These days, is hiring someone to construct an old-school shower from chicken wire and mud overkill and expensive? Is it worth the expense over the typical Hardibacker/Wonderboard solution?
  2. xoneinax_IHB

    Less than 1989 pricing in nominal terms... you betcha!

    Sorry, newbie question. So the owner is current on the 1st and very delinquent on the 2nd? Since 2nd lien has foreclosed on it, what does that mean? That the holder of the 2nd must agree to any sale? Sort of like a short sale.
  3. xoneinax_IHB

    41% off in 2 days in Tustin???

    "The most recent listing for this property has gone off the market" 18151 Theodora
  4. xoneinax_IHB

    Less than 1989 pricing in nominal terms... you betcha!

    Aug 18, 2008 Sold $293,741 WTF was this transaction ?
  5. xoneinax_IHB

    General observations on recession affecting OC restaurants

    Decent Farmers Markets near Irvine : 1. UCI marketplace (Saturday) 2. Tustin downtown (Wednesday, 10-2pm)
  6. xoneinax_IHB

    Discovered a slab leak, would you still buy?

    Tendons are usually 48 inches apart. Pray for luck, and duck if you see a plastic sheathing
  7. xoneinax_IHB

    Buying in Riverside and renting the rooms out to UCR students

    If the market will bear it, require a one-year lease
  8. xoneinax_IHB

    Is this an example of shadow inventory that everyone talks about?

    Anyone way to know what the starting bid at the TS was ? Hard to look back that far
  9. xoneinax_IHB

    Discovered a slab leak, would you still buy?

    Other than being cheaper to construct, what benefits does slab have over raised foundation? Does slab support a 2nd floor more easily?
  10. xoneinax_IHB

    Regular vs "Zero" Grout Lines

    When to use Marble, Travertine, Granite, or Gauged and Honed Slate for flooring ? Material costs are not much more unless you are doing a shopping mall Unpolished marble or granite good for flooring ?
  11. xoneinax_IHB

    Regular vs "Zero" Grout Lines

    Any opinions on engineered stone like Graniti Fiandre, etc ?
  12. xoneinax_IHB


    150-200 ! I got it right for once
  13. xoneinax_IHB

    Santa Ana vs. Anaheim

    Santa Ana 92705
  14. xoneinax_IHB

    The Trustee Sale Thread - Califoria Specific

    Anyone hear of Preferred Group Properties in SJC ? They seem to buy (anyone see them at a TS?), spruce up, and sell.
  15. xoneinax_IHB

    HELP - Loan Origination Fee

    <a href="">Here</a>