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  1. nilam_IHB

    Where are you right NOW?

    Lying in bed, wondering if too much time with my laptop near my ovaries will make me sterile, with TBS on, listening to my husband downstairs talk to his work cohorts trying to figure out whya release into production didn't work. If you meant for me to be more general, I'm in Irvine...
  2. nilam_IHB

    Upcoming Dinner A'Fare Trip

    Impressive, SoCal! Nicely done!
  3. nilam_IHB

    where to get cheap ski pants?

    Warning: Thread Derailment Ahead....
  4. nilam_IHB

    My Sleepy / Hungry Boy

    That video was awesome, SoCal. He's too precious! He fits right in <a href="">here</a> .
  5. nilam_IHB

    For years I claimed my MBA from a regional CSU was worthless, now CNBC says they all are

    I agree - it is what you put into it. Admittedly I didn't go in for the right reasons - I originally pursued my MBA because well, I wanted to make more money faster. The degree didn't make me any smarter but what it did do was make me more confident, assertive and exposed me to a lot of...
  6. nilam_IHB

    IHB Girls? Day Out

    I defrosted my first dinner (Ricotta stuffed Chicken) and am looking forward to eating it! Thanks again, SoCal78, for putting it together! It was fun!
  7. nilam_IHB

    What would we do without Congress protecting us?

    Edited - Never mind :)
  8. nilam_IHB

    IHB Girls? Day Out

    I'm in too! Woohoo! Should be fun
  9. nilam_IHB

    Say something about the person above you...

    ^Is becoming more comfortable posting and not just lurking.
  10. nilam_IHB


  11. nilam_IHB

    Friday the 13th was very lucky for me!!!!

    Congrats! I drive from Turtle Ridge to Brea and back every day (I work off of Imperial and Kramer) and I take 73 to 55 to 5 to 57 in the morning and in the evening, I take Tustin to 91 to 55 to 73. It's about 26 miles for me and I get to work at around 8 and usually am home by about...
  12. nilam_IHB

    I am engaged!!!

    Congratulations!!! That's wonderful! Being engaged is great..Remember that this time is all about you and your fiance, so enjoy it! Sounds like you had a wonderful and memorable Valentine's day 2009
  13. nilam_IHB

    Your hometown

    Houston, TX Albuquerque, NM Orange, CA Irvine, CA I've only lived in the southwest (also did a stint in Tucson, AZ) and can't imagine living anywhere else. I actually like the desert.
  14. nilam_IHB

    Bikram Yoga Irvine is Now Open!

    I went again this morning and they've extended their soft opening sale through 2/6!
  15. nilam_IHB

    Bikram Yoga Irvine is Now Open!

    So I gave Bikram Yoga - Irvine a try. I had never tried this type before so it was interesting. For those of you who have practiced Bikram before, is it typical for the instructor to not do the poses along with the students? It was an interesting experience - challenging class. I struggled...
  16. nilam_IHB

    If you were to leave Orange County due to high unemployment and high living costs?

    I've lived in TX, AZ, CA, and NM and in my opinion, all are beautiful places in their own way. I am constantly reminded of what an amazing beautiful country we live in and I'm so thankful. Texas has wonderful wildflowers in the springtime next to the freeway and nice green fields and trees but...