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    The Landing Tustin Legacy (Brookfield Residential)

    I was being facetious. These are a great value per sqft (probably until phase 5+)
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    The Landing Tustin Legacy (Brookfield Residential)

    Looks like the jury is still out. Where is @USCTrojanCPA when we need him the most?!
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    The Landing Tustin Legacy (Brookfield Residential)

    according to TI, be sure to bring your airpods so you can listen to this song on your way to costco:
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    The Landing Tustin Legacy (Brookfield Residential)

    On the main streets with a few parking spaces* in the alleyways. *unclear if these spaces are assigned
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    100 West- New Toll Bros coming to Anaheim

    Lifelong OC resident here. You?re right that this is a good location that may have good pay off in terms of investment however I still question to what extent can gentrification resolve the amount of crime issues endemic to this region. I was hoping for crime rates (in Anaheim) to decrease...
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    The Meadows, Lake Forest by Toll Brothers

    Thank you for sharing. This is consistent with what I?ve heard as well.
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    The Meadows, Lake Forest by Toll Brothers

    Looks like the bidding wars are beginning to reflect in pricing with even numbers.  May the best FCB win. /s (?kinda?)
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    The Landing Tustin Legacy (Brookfield Residential)

    yup.  i've learned this over the years in speaking with many friends who grew up in irvine.  suffice it to say, the overwhelming majority do not look back on their childhood fondly. of course ymmv.  its still a great place to live.  but it does make me think twice before sending my kids to iusd.
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    The Landing Tustin Legacy (Brookfield Residential)

    the truth? schools -> overrated good parenting -> underrated ... i'm just sayin'
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    The Meadows, Lake Forest by Toll Brothers

    My thoughts exactly.
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    The Meadows, Lake Forest by Toll Brothers

    So much FUD.  At the very least, we can place faith in MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction). The best one can do is to continue living their life and invest wisely in the hopes of a better tomorrow  8)
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    The Meadows, Lake Forest by Toll Brothers

    For current and future phases (until further notice).
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    The Meadows, Lake Forest by Toll Brothers

    Due to demand, TB will be transitioning to a model of auctioning/bidding for the remaining lots. This is great news for those who are already locked in.  Not so great for prospective buyers though.
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    The Landing Tustin Legacy (Brookfield Residential)

    Might be a clever business tactic to encourage buyers into settling for the less popular plans / models.
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    The Meadows, Lake Forest by Toll Brothers

    Some communities went up as far as +$100k this last phase  :o
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    The Meadows, Lake Forest by Toll Brothers

    I like the way you think.
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    The Landing Tustin Legacy (Brookfield Residential)

    Yes, thanks for the clarification; I was speaking with regards to Cira. Anyone have thoughts on Jenn Air vs Wolf appliances?  Curious to know if anyone has had experience with both.
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    The Landing Tustin Legacy (Brookfield Residential)

    KitchenAid is currently having supply chain issues with their kitchen appliance lines.  Kudos to Brookfield for going with the upgrade to Wolf on these models.
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    The Meadows, Lake Forest by Toll Brothers

    Bluffs 2 doesn?t have a driveway?  :-[
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    The Meadows, Lake Forest by Toll Brothers

    A few communities in Irvine are notorious for excessively strict HOAs and limited parking layouts. Only time will tell how Meadows will manage with these issues. Even for the most affordable communities (Willows/Oaks), there appears to be ample parking on the bigger streets adjacent to the...