Search results

  1. socal78

    Aqua Fit / other

    Anyone have an adult pool exercise class they like? I'm looking anywhere from mid-Irvine to south O.C. I already belong to one near my home. The exercises are OK but plenty of other things about it are not ok like water quality, cutting classes, etc., which make me want to find a replacement...
  2. socal78

    Charts show University of California admissions rates for every public high school in state

    I5 years ago on IHB / TI, these conversations about college seemed so far off. Hard to believe here we are and now I have a kid halfway through college, with another on the way soon. Kind of going on a tangent here, but one thing I'm glad we decided to do was go straight into a 4 year school...
  3. socal78

    Charts show University of California admissions rates for every public high school in state

    My husband helps out with hiring. He got tired of applicants coming in who had no serious, genuine interest. He doesn't care where the degree is from ... ivy league, UC or Cal State, irrelevant. He focuses mainly on personal projects. (He's a senior software engineer so usually interviewing...
  4. socal78

    Easter at The Great Park

    In my experience, people tend to be pleasantly surprised when they discover that there is actually an Easter service held at The Great Park. It will be at the ⚾️ baseball stadium. See Lot 5. Who would have thought? So here's an option for those who are looking for something nearby this coming...
  5. socal78

    Does such a vehicle exist?...

    Since my original post, I ended up not liking any of the new cars I went to look at. To answer my own question in the title: "Does such a vehicle exist?"... No, it does not. 😏 I reclaimed my vehicle back from my kid, even though he suggested that he keep it and I take Uber... 🤡 . Got him a car...
  6. socal78

    Rienda // Rancho Mission Viejo

    Yeah, iirc almost $10k on Dahlia. I threw the sales office papers away. Can not confirm. What's weird is they don't call it Mello roos. The FAQ sheet called it "(something) assessment". At first when I see the word "assessment" that made me think it was some sort of special assessment, like HOA...
  7. socal78

    Rienda // Rancho Mission Viejo

    One thing I thought was weird: the solar panels are not included in the home price. At least not at Dahlia. The buyer has to decide to either lease them or buy them. I think they said it was another $20k. It has been a really long time since I've looked at new constructions. So I don't know if...
  8. socal78

    Vision City Church

    Thanks for the replies. R2D: Yeah, very familiar with Chuck Smith. Loved him. Kangen.Irvine: Good news, in case you drop by --The chair situation has been fixed. The new building has nice cushioned chairs. 👌🏻 The meeting spot is currently upstairs on Thursday nights. If you have any mobility...
  9. socal78

    Charts show University of California admissions rates for every public high school in state

    I haven't read this thread; just saw this comment and was going to ask -- Iho, does that mean your kid decided to take an alternative path after high school, rather than college? If so, no criticism from me. I would have absolutely been good with that if my kids wanted to do something else...
  10. socal78

    Rienda // Rancho Mission Viejo

    I toured the visitor's center and some models at Rienda. There are a lot of new homes being built in the areas south of Ladera, south of Coto, and east of SJC. When you take the 241 S and get to Cow Camp Road, it's beautiful down there. A lot of that area will remain open space. But there are...
  11. socal78

    Vision City Church

    Hey, guys. Does anyone on TI go to Vision City Church? I have some questions. Orchard Hills School facility is rented by Vision City Church on Sundays. The church is in the process of moving to their own building. The location is off Bake Pkwy, in Irvine, between Jeronimo and Muirlands. The...
  12. socal78

    Irvine Crime Wave

    21 residential burglaries in Irvine the past 5 weeks. Watch out: T-Sat, 5-10 p.m.
  13. socal78

    Irvine Crime Wave

    You should follow Irvine P.D. on social media. They post frequently about crime and give updates. Did you see the Community Alert recently regarding residential break-ins? I will see if I can find the photo...
  14. socal78

    Irvine Crime Wave

    Did you guys read about the murder-suicide at UCI yesterday? Sad.
  15. socal78

    Dementia? Alzheimers? Intervention??

    Thanks, Momo! I will try to gently bring up these services to her. I wish I could accompany her to the doctor and tell them what I'm noticing or help fill out that risk assessment mentioned above. But whenever I have suggested driving her there, she refuses because she is very "independent". So...
  16. socal78

    Dementia? Alzheimers? Intervention??

    No, I'm not referring to Joe Biden. One of my best friends is 77 years old and I'm concerned. I wanted a place to post this kind of anymously so TI it is. We are nowhere near the same age. We're just an odd match I guess. But it works for me because she's such a nice person. Anyway, she has...
  17. socal78

    Best hood for trick or treats in Irvine?

    I'm just looking for an excuse to share this pic taken this morning in Irvine at Walnut & Peters Canyon Road... Go, Speed Racer, go!
  18. socal78

    Does such a vehicle exist?...

    Yeah, unfortunately I wouldn't buy the performance even if it was cheaper than the long range and available tomorrow. I tried it. It's just not the most comfortable fit for me, physically, driving and getting in & out. Maybe others would love it though. But for me personally that's also how I...
  19. socal78

    Does such a vehicle exist?...

    Brief update. Went car shopping after posting. Tesla at Fashion Island: 6 month+ wait for Model Y. Pass. RSM Honda: Slim pickin's! Empty lots. Big dealer markups, especially on hybrids. Totally underestimated the car shortages/ supply chain issues currently. Had planned to buy something that...
  20. socal78

    Newest Gated Communities

    Thanks. I'm looking outside of Irvine, which is why I chose "OC Real Estate" for this convo. But bordering Irvine might be acceptable. Just don't really want to go into Irvine if possible.