Search results

  1. N

    Economy and Climate Change

    Isn’t that like driving to Riverside on a Friday night?
  2. N

    Solar Panel Batteries & Additional Panel Installation

    SCE will happily skip thanking them for their donation. If the $950 is the balance on a NET metering SCE bill, cash out comes in at a small fraction.
  3. N

    Internet Provider

    I strongly recommended performing a self-vasectomy over getting AT&T internet.
  4. N

    Housing Analysis

    Only way to improve supply is to build multi-unit until the rental market for multi-unit collapses. Interest rates won't correct a 30 year building deficit and while the 'units' kept up with population growth, the mix of units has not.
  5. N

    ICE or EV?

    Average pickup cost is $60,289. Even the pretend matchbox trucks are north of $40k
  6. N


    The flu variants were a concern but well known, the more applicable comparison is the original SARS outbreak in 2003, that didn’t make it out.
  7. N


    Come on, this is TalkIrvine, the bus?!?!?! Costco, cough up Costco. While waiting for a food sample.
  8. N


    Talking smack about the big boss kinda CLM.
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  10. N

    Economy and Climate Change

    We will just have to do another proposition to mandate a 10% bill reduction. It worked well last time. /s
  11. N

    ICE or EV?

    Yea, but their owners end up wanting out. There subscription price is interesting, it's comparable gas to battery swap for petrol costing $6/gallon and getting 20 MPG drving the 'average 11000 KM in China. The USA is 13,500...
  12. N

    ICE or EV?

    Current EV car battery weights are about 6.5 KG/kwh. Current EV mileage is about 4 miles/KWH. Replaceable lithium battery tech (like golf cart batteries etc) come in at 3 Watts/pound. or 333 Pounds/kwh. Cell Phone batteries are efficient, highly tuned and been optimized for a couple...
  13. N

    ICE or EV?

    I'm the converted, I know how good the EV car is compared to an ICE commuter. DC Fast charging is a red herring. 10% to 80% is meaningless. At 10% my battery will start shutting stuff off on the highway. At 80% I'm essentially starting at 3/4s full. My battery gauge works much like my ICE...
  14. N

    ICE or EV?

    I love my Chevy Bolt. Like Qwerty though, it's a non-starter IMHO without a home charger. As are Teslas. I have no desire to sit and jockey for a Tesla Charger at Main Place mall, they're always full and all the cars belong to the staff over at CHOC and St Joseph hospitals. I have no desire...
  15. N

    Presidential Elections

    While I don't disagree with the sentiment towards big Pharma, RFK jr. is not that. He is a completely down the rabbit hole of debunked claims, brain disorders are caused by vaccines, anti-vaxxer. His views and data have been and continuing rebuffed and disproven. When people like RFK Jr. get...
  16. N

    ICE or EV?

  17. N

    Presidential Elections

    How many people with HPV do you see around?
  18. N

    Presidential Elections

    He’s not anti-vax politicized covid anti-vax, he’s ANTI-VAX as in anti MMR, DTaP, Chickenpox, etc. old school hard core anti vax conspiracy.
  19. N

    Presidential Elections

    Trump supporters linked with having small penises Could this explain things? Just asking questions. ®