Search results

  1. N

    How far away from train track is good?

    Vibration from Train Tracks carries between 0.25 km to 0.5 km. Pollution from freeways carries just under 1 mile. Noise from a freeway (or busy road like Jamboree) is about the same as a running old garbage disposal when next to it. It takes 0.5 Km for that sound level to fall to Dishwasher...
  2. N

    Economy and Climate Change

    Yawn. Australia Bank is a small customer owned 'bank' 1/5th the size of Teachers First credit union that has a registered as a B-Corp in Australia. For lack of a more nuanced explanation, a B-corp is essentially meant to be transparent as a SJW proponent. IF the Sierria Club had a credit...
  3. N

    ICE or EV?

    You can if you’re Amazon, right after most of your competition BKs. Helps if you also let your customers stick it to the gub’ment on sales tax.
  4. N

    17 & 15

    Got off light imho. We will see how Tarrio goes Tuesday.
  5. N

    ICE or EV?

    Is Polestar a car company or lifestyle company? Seriously, their showroom is in South Coast Plaza by the carousel court.
  6. N

    Mitch, Feinstein, who is running the show. I know he has access to great medical care but damn. So one of Senators is a shell and Mitch apparently needs a reboot every couple months.
  7. N

    Economy and Climate Change

    Actuarial math combined with buildout. Their exposure to massive losses to a hurricane hit or wildfire used to be fairly limited. They figured out the math on earthquakes decades ago. Northridge pretty much pounded home the underpricing of risk. With buildout, a hurricane brushing Florida...
  8. N

    Presidential Elections

    Turns out, I‘m hispanic. More Hispanic than Senator Warren is Native.
  9. N

    Presidential Elections

    Trump won. show hands, who is really running for VP? Seriously, not one with the guts or brains to say show of hands, if I win the nomination and haven’t been convicted of a crime against our nation, will you support me?
  10. N

    Planned Shopping Plaza - Irvine Blvd & Pusan?

    I’d guess that Irvine is very bike friendly for exercise. Actually taking a bike to many retail destinations is a different version of mass transit last mile problem. Mentally work thru taking your bike to Diamond Jamboree, the Spectrum or even Mitsuwa Marketplace on Culver. Getting there is...
  11. N

    Presidential Elections

    i like to keep it closer to home. Do I want to support the idiots that have contorted California such that the utilities propose class warfare for service fees or support the dogma of the Right and empower people like Madison Miner of OUSD that have openly called for discriminatory segregation...
  12. N

    Which one would you choose and why?

    Pretty sure there's a murphy tub in Trellis somewhere.
  13. N

    Presidential Elections

    Meh, Trumpers going vote Trump. They and their 60 lawsuits just need to lose AGAIN next fall. ROFLMAO, there isn't any one saying Trump is their first choice going to change their mind.
  14. N

    Economy and Climate Change

    Personally, I find the hours long self-congratulatory press conference this morning by LA Government, both tasteless and ripe with hubris. They're congratulating themselves on the great job and preparedness and the reality of the situation is that Major Hurricane Hilary went to the eastern...
  15. N

    ICE or EV?

    What, you mean my odyssey gets close to 30 MPG barreling down I10 to Phoenix at 80MPH? My Bolt which is designed around sitting in rush hour traffic or the pick up line at school gets more like 3.8 mpk, instead of it's usual 4.3? I am shocked. Do you need them to do a chore running test...
  16. N

    Which one would you choose and why?

    This. That said, carefully looking at the photos of Trellis, notice the armchair encroachment into the kitchen island space. Then notice the wasted space with stairways, the 'mud room', and the bedroom with the twin bed and notice door placement and realize the only functional wall for a...
  17. N

    ICE or EV?

    It’ll take several years yet before realistic replacement costs are know. Right now, it’s still like needing to replace an accident part of a new model year after a major redesign. Cars like the bolt will be having their very first cars hitting their battery warranty later this year, early next.
  18. N

    National Debt

    From 1997 to 2001, President Bill Clinton had a balanced budget and generate surpluses. in 2001, the Federal Government spent $1.835 Trillion. The population was 285 Million. inflation from 2001 to today is 72.7%. The population is 332 Million. The equivalent budget would be $1.835 *...
  19. N

    High density living, coming to your neighborhood soon

    in May, North Tustin lost its fight against “high density” redevelopment of the 5 Acre Racquet Club site. High density in the eye beholder, 37 units on five acres. A few 20,000 sf lots, plus some condos, three stories, etc...
  20. N

    What parts of Tustin are safe vs less safe?

    Actually, Irvine drivers are even more reckless. Not the speedy reckless like LA, but the intentionally reckless, on their phone, on a video call holding it with the hand on the steering wheel while eating with the other during morning commute (seriously this was a 40/50 y.o. woman in 5-10 y.o...