Search results

  1. F

    Irvine's 5th High School

    I find it interesting that the very folks that scream the loudest about how their kid is getting short changed by the schools suddenly disappear when it comes time to volunteer, donate $$$, etc.  Great schools come from people who CARE,  EVERY DAY-  teachers, administrators, students and...
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    Where is it?

    Terrible-  my condolences to the families.  It is doubly worse without the closure.
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    NO Rumor- Irvine Company to tear down Woodbridge Village Center

    Just heard that Core Power Yoga's lease was not renewed........hmmmm Calling TEST........ (One of the best insiders I know  :) ) What is the plan for the Woodbridge Center?
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    Estimates for Landscaping

    Open Sky-  Anyone you can recommend ?
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    There are lots of reasons someone would remodel then abruptly move on-  like, winning the lottery,  finding out the house is haunted, etc......  ;)
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    Estimates for Landscaping

    The 50K difference is probably due to how busy their backlog is.  Some contractors have a hard time saying "sorry buddy, I can't do your project for 8 months, etc" so they bid it high and if you accept-- they figure out a way to do it.
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    Great Park: District 1 North

    Will each district be require to send their tributes to the hunger games?  (Sorry, couldn't resist ...:)) Thanks for the new thread Bones
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    Linens and Towels

    All you need is a 200 sq ft laundry room to house the iron and you're all set :)
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    Linens and Towels

    May I suggest this for your wife- Does a great job on...
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    Newer Irvine listings with crazy WTF asking prices from equity sellers

    It was on the market briefly last year- so they are trying it again.  Woodbridge is insane right now-  houses are closing at over $500 sq ft for vintage 1970's construction. 24 Willowbrook just closed at $980k for 1850sq ft and NO air conditioning!  Crazy!
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    Why TI is stale and how to fix it

    +1 on the real names.  I started with IHB then moved over here,  and though I don't post much, I wouldn't want to draw that attention in the slightest. I think TI does a pretty good job of organizing sections--  so if you only want to look at RE oriented posts,  you know where to find them. ...
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    Dedicated Craft Room

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    Dedicated Craft Room

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    221 Low Income Apartments Coming To PP

    What (where?) is that huge lake at the top of the map?  Is there a sizable lake in Northwood that I don't know about?
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    would you buy an all electric car

    Open Sky-  what do you drive?
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    Dinner Delivery Services

    I have a friend who sells her home cooked (frozen) meals to her friends who pass them off to their unsuspecting husbands/families as their own  ;)
  19. F

    CCW in the OC

    So-  what would the penalty difference be if you were carrying a registered gun without a permit and used it for self protection vs. facing the same situation with a permit?  Bottom line-  would the penalty be worth the time/expense, etc of the permit?