Search results

  1. iacrenter

    Retail Openings and Closures

    GT cars and Turtle homes tend to appreciate in value. Hipster coffee, not so much :)
  2. iacrenter

    The New IHOmobile

    I agree. It's crazy how fast and far they have risen.
  3. iacrenter

    Admissions into UC broken down by schools

    I guess it depends on your target school. A recent NY Times article suggests that you are twice as likely to be admitted to an elite university from a private school vs public school. I would be curious to see what Sage's admission rates are for private top tier universities vs IUSD...
  4. iacrenter

    The New IHOmobile

    The Japanese brands have fallen behind Korea. They make reliable cars but have stalled in terms of design and innovation.
  5. iacrenter

    Mobile Detailing / Car Wash

    I ended up using Vasquez Car Wash & Mobile Detail: They did a good job using a 3 man crew. $40 (small car) for hand wash, spray wax, and interior wipe down. You can text them to setup an...
  6. iacrenter

    ICE or EV?

    Wow! Incredible price drops. Feel bad for the early adopters of the Plaid. Weren't they going for $130k+?
  7. iacrenter

    Mobile Detailing / Car Wash

    I'm looking for a mobile detailer /car wash in the Irvine area. Let me know who you like and how much they charge.
  8. iacrenter

    EV/Plug-in/Other vehicles

    I like the exterior redesign. Interior pluses include new front ventilated seats, more sound deadening, added speakers, and rear control screen. Downside: no signal or shifting stalks. Here is Car Wow's drive test:
  9. iacrenter

    Tesla Cybertruck

    Looking forward to seeing one in person. But disappointed about the huge a$$ wiper. Is it supposed to be vertical at rest?
  10. iacrenter

    Irvine Crime Wave

    Watch your wallet at Irvine Mitsuwa! Be aware of your surroundings while shopping and don't leave anything unattended.
  11. iacrenter

    Planned Shopping Plaza - Irvine Blvd & Pusan?

    This was discussed over 10 years ago and there is still no construction. According to @sgip , there will be no extension until The Toll Road bonds are paid off.
  12. iacrenter

    Irvine Crime Wave

    Incredible detective work by IPD! All 3 homicide suspects are in custody.
  13. iacrenter

    Irvine Crime Wave

    IPD made two arrests.
  14. iacrenter

    Irvine Crime Wave

    The crime rate has paralleled Irvine's rapid growth.
  15. iacrenter

    Kowloon Walled City

    Zovall pasted a link to BKShopr’s thread in the first post.
  16. iacrenter

    Irvine Crime Wave

    It's bad Feng Shui to place your jewelry store or bank near a freeway entrance.
  17. iacrenter

    Irvine Crime Wave

    More idiots stealing jewelry. I hope IPD catches them soon.
  18. iacrenter

    Front License Plates

    I remember signing a waiver at my dealership for not installing a front plate. They don't want you suing them for the cost of a ticket. Tint places use similar waivers for dark front side windows.
  19. iacrenter

    Front License Plates

    Where did you get a ticket? I’ve rarely seen speed traps in Irvine except on Jamboree.
  20. iacrenter

    I found cool car wash!!

    Cool. Never heard of this company until you posted. Looks like 2 Whitherspoon is the HQ. TGS is a secretive quant fund except for large recent land purchases for data centers. They control more than 60 acres in Irvine--$240M / 42 acre Great Park site closed in December...