Are you sure you can still claim the tax credit? I wonder if you would still be able to claim the tax credit if you bought the system the following year.
eGolf was considered a "compliance" model for VW. State and Federal laws have certain MPG mandates that force car manufacturers to take a hit on certain models so they can still sell higher profit margin (ie. gas guzzler) models in certain states.
Helping out a relative with his listing. The only single story single family residence in the entire Woodbridge community.
I would estimate 10-20% cheaper installed vs. buying it from Builders Surplus, hauling it home and then having to install it yourself. Once you factor in your own time, the savings is probably closer to 40%.
Builders Surplus is not as cheap as I was expecting. Their counter-tops are also very limiting and take more than 3 weeks to fabricate. Plus you need to haul the cabinets back and install yourself. Chinese cabinet places in SGV are much cheaper and can fabricate whatever counter-top you want...
There was quite a bit discussion last year and the best deal I saw members discuss was $2.60 pre credit or $1.82 post rebate. And that was for a larger system. I called 5 different companies and could not get it down to $2.60 due to my smaller size.
In a sense they are. They are giving new customers the newer panels at the same rental fee. The real question is whether they will upgrade the panels for people who have the previous generation panels. I called twice today and could not get through to a CSR. Guess they are getting slammed.
It's a no brainer decision to subscribe if your break even point is 8-9 years. Look what just happened to the pricing and efficiency gains on the panels. People who bought panels before this happened just lost 20-30%. The increased tax savings of 4% doesn't negate this benefit.
The new pricing structure is an absolute game changer. Not sure how the mom and pop installers can compete with such a drastic price drop by a major provider. Their only hope is that there is demand for system sizes in between the Tesla ones.
Looks like they changed the size of their panels are well. Sizes used to be in increments of 3.78/kw per. Wonder what type of panels they are using now. What a crazy deal.
It's a pretty involved job. I'm not referring to the front accessible valve. It's the valve that connects the hot and cold water line which is behind the wall. I estimate probably 1.5-2 hours for a plumber to do it. I'm just shocked at the 2 quotes I got so far. I'll have to get a few more...