Search results

  1. W

    Where the market is - Buyer Offers

    Wow, it went for $1.132M even with a .5% BAC!  The problem with this Portisol model is that it feels really small and cramped inside (2 stories @ 1785 sq ft).  The outdoor space is well above average though.  The Plan 2s have a much nicer feeling to them.
  2. W

    New Listing - Crawford Plan 2 home @ Greenwood in Tustin Legacy (218 Barnes Rd)

    Wow, impressive sale.  I'm shocked the price went for so high ($428k gain in 5 years!).  This property has so many negatives - backs a small highway (ie. Jamboree), smallish lot size, high MR, very high HOA, and is in Tustin!  Is there a stash of bitcoin hidden in the paperwork??   
  3. W

    Tax the rich

    Couple of points that no one seems to discuss is mentioned in this video.  His income is "lumpy" meaning he DOES pay taxes in some years and other years he doesn't.  It's structured this way obviously for tax purposes.  Would there be such an uproar if say he paid $100M in taxes in each year...
  4. W

    Tax the rich

    Instituting a VAT tax will be spun as a tax on the poor.  The poor will end up paying more total tax with VAT than w/ the current system since they pay no/little federal income tax (most even end up with tax credits).
  5. W

    New Listing - Ellwood Nash detached condo in Beacon Park (132 Mongoose)

    What was the reason for increasing the listing price during the multiple offer negotiation period?
  6. W


    I think we are definitely not in a "transitory" inflationary period.  Once people think inflation is here, prices rise all over the place and the price will never go back down.  My house cleaner just upped her rate by 22% and said he is asking all her customers to pay more.  I am now increasing...
  7. W

    Where the market is - Buyer Offers

    The stove in directly in front of not 1, but 2 kitchen faucets.  Definitely a no go. 
  8. W

    Where the market is - Buyer Offers

    Here's an interesting question for the agents in this thread.  How do you handle the situation where you have multiple buyers interested in the same property?
  9. W

    .5% Buyer Agent Commission!

    The selling agent is a pioneer!  .5% is by far the lowest I've ever seen offered for a BAC. Wonder if it will affect the sale price. 
  10. W

    WWYD - Gas Nozzle broke off Pump after forgetting to remove it after fill-up

    Saw a kid leave the gas nozzle connected and drove off so the nozzle ripped off the pump.  He got out of the car and threw the pump on the floor and then took off.  Would a gas station charge someone for this?   
  11. W

    Experiences with Zillow Offers / Redfin Now / Opendoor?

    Was the price they gave you higher than the comps they used?  I think that's the main downside of going with Zillow offers/redfin/Opendoor when the market is super hot and every house that gets sold is higher than the previous one (by 2-3%).
  12. W

    First Time Second Home Buyer - Advice

    Careful on subleasing.  It is not allowed in most HOAs.  You might get unlucky with a nosy neighbor or over zealous board member who will shut you down.
  13. W

    Covid 19 test for Hawaii travel.

    Walgreens came through for me.  Basically 6-8 hours after test was received by the test lab.  Make sure you get tested before 2:30PM since the courier does the daily pick-up at 3PM.
  14. W

    Covid 19 test for Hawaii travel.

    I would rather not take the precious appointment slots for repeat tests from others who also need the test.  I don't mind paying $ for a rapid test if I really need to.
  15. W

    Covid 19 test for Hawaii travel.

    Any local rapid tests available?  I need a Plan B if the Walgreens test does not come back in time.
  16. W

    COVID-19 Vaccine Questions

    No J&J.  The initial stock ran out about 7-10 days ago.  Only Pfizer or Moderna available.
  17. W

    COVID-19 Vaccine Questions

    I have multiple friends who have gone to a CVS and asked if they could get a vaccine and they ended up getting one (last 5 days or so).  No appointment or anything.  Seems like the vaccines are readily available now.
  18. W

    Northwood Estates

    Compared to more recently developed neighborhoods, NWE does have decent size lots (ie. 2400 sq ft on 3900 sq ft lots).  The larger homes in the neighborhood (The Arbors) actually have massive lots (6000-7000 sq ft is the norm). 
  19. W

    New Pocket Listing - Garland Park Plan 1 condo in Woodbury (188 Guinevere)

    Is there a cliff notes version of the sequence of events?  I'm a bit confused when reading what exactly happened...
  20. W

    How to buy without selling my home?

    HELOC on your primary, 50k loan from your 401k, margin loan from your brokerage or look into bridge loans. 