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  1. R


    $2.50 LED A19 bulb at HD (2-pack).  lowest price i have ever seen
  2. R

    Chinese restaurants serving dog meat

    I thought pigs show the same if not more intelligence and are able to bond as well. 
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    Shuttle Services to LAX

    regular uber user and majority of my irvine to LAX fares have been about $50, not $100 for uberX for family travel without carseats, a lot of the private official drivers (TCP tags) can set it up.  there is one just a few blocks from me that takes us to LAX for $80 in a lincoln town car and has...
  4. R

    Hidden Canyon or Orchard Hills?

    are you in middle school and on an RE forum??  your friends are going to go to either beckman or uni based on my limited logic understanding...stupid Cheryl
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    the timeouts used to be the guest bedroom but then she just kept jumping on the bed and having a great time...laundry room has nothing that she can reach and lights are on.  its not about scaring her but more for her to think about what she did without distractions.  when we open the door, we...
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    Where did this fall in your discipline toolkit?  Was there a timeout, grounding, or other things before this came? Right now our goto is a timeout in the laundry room and how terrible the behavior adjusts the amount of the timeout. 
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    No HOA No Mello Roos

    How are you so sure there is NYT?  Its not like you are so familiar with that hood that you were on the news when they did a segment on LR...oh wait... :)
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    Which would you choose?

    Agree with IHO.  Depending on the age of children and what you are looking to do, flat might be better.  Our kids are very young and we really enjoy being able to walk throughout Woodbury.  In OH, I doubt we would walk to the shopping center as much as we do in WB. Regarding Stonegate being...
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    No HOA No Mello Roos

    In Woodbury, the SFRs seem to enjoy it both ways.  We benefit from the community aspects of an HOA without having a very strict HOA where we have to beg for permission.  When we wanted to paint our house, the HOA said they dont even know the original colors of the SFRs and as long as we are...
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    What is being built on the corner of Trabuco and Jeffrey?

    IHO what does FCB and montessori have to do with each other?  There has been a huge child care shortage in Irvine and everything has a long wait list.  Regardless of teaching style, more child care centers is needed.
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    What is being built on the corner of Trabuco and Jeffrey?

    do you know who will run that montessori school?  and when are these supposed to open?
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    which market is everyone selling now?
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    Are you smarter than Singaporean kids?

    2 2 3 3 2 3 6 2 18 3 3 4 3 12 4 9 6 6 sum of all windows - guessing typical square or rectangle building will have even number of windows which leaves: 2 2 3 3 2 18 6 6 oldest one has blue eyes - again assuming twins are identical which leaves: 2 18
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    Chinese restaurants serving dog meat

    From a vegetarian's POV, I don't really understand how you decide which animal is ok to eat and which isn't.  I get dogs are pets but so are fish and rabbits.  What horrifies people about eating dog?
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    Rent or Sell?

    umbrella is 1 policy and not per rental.  it covers everything you own.  if you only have 1 rental property and already doing umbrella, i personally think LLC is a bit much.  however if you plan on having many rental properties, it might not be a bad idea.  some of my friends have it setup...
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    Rent or Sell?

    +1 for umbrella insurance.  some of my friends even put the rental in the LLC so that personal assets can't be touched.  that seems a bit much considering its $800 a year in fees plus additional costs during tax time.  umbrella policies usually give a discount on car so total out of pocket...
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    HOA Patrol

    Has to be appraiser or realtor doing a BPO.  Or can be a google maps competitor that can't afford a real google maps camera car :)
  18. R

    Architect referral - Room addition & Layout

    IHS's firm seems on the higher end of things with projects like shady canyon houses.  We got quotes on adding the room and updating the house and the whole thing is about $50-75K depending on options.  If an architect costs $1000-$3000, it would make sense but if they are in the 5 digits, it...
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    Architect referral - Room addition & Layout

    Have a 1950's 1300 sq ft 3b/2b house on a raised foundation and want to enlarge it to a 4b/3b house.  Contractors have come and given us ideas on where to add the additional room but the flow doesn't feel right.  I think we need an architect to help us.  Looking for referrals and any pro tips if...
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    cant you still do the after tax to IRA to roth conversion trick?