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  1. R

    HK millionaire sues Coldwell banker dual-agent for misleading square footage

    Why are you surprised?  The buyer had plenty of opportunity to check the size and I am guessing they used the standard CAR forms which basically yell to the buyer that they are responsible for checking everything. Also, sq ft seems to vary widely depending on who is measuring.  Obviously this...
  2. R

    Is Real Estate over heating?

    Do most people look at the opportunity cost of the downpayment?  In my dealings, most people don't look at opportunity costs and further cancel the prop tax with the MID and deduct the principal.  That style of calculating brings this to $3500 a month.  USCTrojan and IR, what do you see from...
  3. R

    Harvard Admits 4.6% of Applicants; Other Ivy League Schools Get Tougher, Too

    Kids just need to use all that Kumon math they been taking and increase their odds by over 50% by applying to all 8 schools. 7.2% + 5.5% + 10.3% + 8.7% + 4.6% + 8.4% + 5.5% + 6.3% = 56.5% !!! :P
  4. R

    Homeless camps coming to Irvine

    So sad.  I imagine most people protesting have the same sentiment and would gladly have a place here that helps.  The fear is that the riverbed is coming to the great park.  There is a lot of misinformation and lack of clarity.  Lot of political BS will disappear if there was transparency and...
  5. R

    Homeless camps coming to Irvine

    Maybe I am naive but I think a lot of people are much more aware of homelessness and how bad it has gotten than they ever have been.  People have posted links to documentaries, books, etc.  People are suggesting solutions and how just moving to another city in OC will not solve it and all the...
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    Homeless camps coming to Irvine

    Read the FB group closely.  There are entire threads dedicated to figuring out a SOLUTION to this vs just saying "NOT HERE".  Yes a lot of people deal with issues when it lands at their doorstep.  Most of the time, its very clearly NIMBYism but in that FB group, there is a lot of talk about how...
  7. R

    Buying New Construction 101?

    Even if you are on the list, go with an agent before you make the offer.  The agent I work with has taken friends in and was able to work the commission in and rebate my friends.  I think she keeps $2000-2500 and gives the rest back.  As AW noted, check the thread and USCTrojanCPA and...
  8. R

    Homeless camps coming to Irvine

    There are lot of people on the tent city who work in social services who are against this.  It is easy to say NIMBYism and there are definitely a few people who have some pretty horrible views and show no compassion.  This was done quickly without thought and the county gov is just moving the...
  9. R

    Real estate terms question

    Black out the addresses and names. 
  10. R

    Real estate terms question

    Screenshot it and share here for better clarity.  People do cash out refi's all the time so even if they paid cash a few years ago, they might decide to take a loan out against the house for something else. 
  11. R

    Homeless camps coming to Irvine

    BTB which seems the obvious worst?  HB next to baseball fields or Laguna right next to houses?
  12. R

    Baker Ranch in Lake Forest / Foothill Ranch

    More than you would think.  The big challenges were opening up the house with just the architect, engineering, and permit fees costing over $10K.  Adding the third bathroom also cost a lot more than I thought it would be.  They had to trench the slab but I think a 3.5 bathroom is way better than...
  13. R

    Baker Ranch in Lake Forest / Foothill Ranch

    This is the house we picked up.  I would trade my WB house any day of the week for this place but my wife is die hard Irvine.  Yes the grass isn't as manicured as Irvine or Baker Ranch but having your own dock, a boat to relax in, and a sense of space while sitting in your family room or master...
  14. R

    The New IHOmobile

    Yes CA rebate.  That makes sense.
  15. R

    The New IHOmobile

    So weird.  We leased Fiat 500E which is chrysler and the rebate check came straight to us.
  16. R

    The New IHOmobile

    Weird their site literally says lease will pass the fed credit down: Description of Incentive: Internal Revenue Code Section 30D provides an...
  17. R

    Better Location for Resale in Irvine

    One thing unique about Irvine is how similar everything is and how you can find model matches between villages.  We had a Woodbury San Marino and Laguna Altura version model match on hold and debated if the Laguna Altura $100K price increase was worth it.  The houses and lots were identical. ...
  18. R

    Better Location for Resale in Irvine

    I 100% agree that there are trade-offs.  That is different than saying you don't prefer a backyard if the option was there.  Nonetheless, this is interesting discussion as yard used to be high up on people's lists and now it seems way lower priority.
  19. R

    Better Location for Resale in Irvine

    I agree that there is no perfect.  I am trying to understand if people saying they prefer no yard are rationalizing what they have by saying that or if it is a genuine feeling.  We have friends who sold a house with a big yard and moved into a high rise and love how it feels like a 5* hotel all...
  20. R

    Better Location for Resale in Irvine

    If 2 identical models were next to each other but one had small low maintenance patio and the other had a huge yard and both were priced identical, which would you choose? 