Search results

  1. irviniteeee

    Retail Openings and Closures

    I wish the Irvine Co would allow more than just Starbucks in their centers. Or maybe that's the only coffee shop that can afford their rents. Irvine has a lot of coffee shops, but mostly in the Jamboree/business district area.
  2. irviniteeee

    Newer Irvine listings with crazy WTF asking prices from equity sellers

    Eastwood for 3M...I like EW, but no.
  3. irviniteeee

    New Listing - View Lot Home in Lake Forest @ Baker Ranch (33 Heliotrope)

    Reminds me of my classmates in HS who would cry when they got an A-.
  4. irviniteeee

    New Listing - View Lot Home in Lake Forest @ Baker Ranch (33 Heliotrope)

    PS being in the boonies of Irvine is totally different than RMV. Unless you're in Sendero, you're wayyyy out there. One of my old colleagues bought out there and it's like going to another state :ROFLMAO:. Detached homes have an HOA of 300 there. Pretty high MR too. Tax rate is about 2% in the...
  5. irviniteeee

    New Listing - View Lot Home in Lake Forest @ Baker Ranch (33 Heliotrope)

    I know what it is, but I haven't heard that being used in recent years so I was taken aback.
  6. irviniteeee

    New Listing - View Lot Home in Lake Forest @ Baker Ranch (33 Heliotrope)

    RMV is in the boonies and the HOAs are way too high.
  7. irviniteeee

    Newer Irvine listings with crazy WTF asking prices from equity sellers

    That neighborhood seems to be becoming teardown central. Many homes are being torn down and big 4k square foot homes are being built in their place. They don't match the neighborhood at all, but oh well.
  8. irviniteeee

    Newer Irvine listings with crazy WTF asking prices from equity sellers

    It would be one thing if it was a 70s home in an actual coveted area, but this realtor just added that word for pizzazz. The Willows is not known to be some exclusive neighborhood.
  9. irviniteeee

    Newer Irvine listings with crazy WTF asking prices from equity sellers

    Over 1k a foot in the Willows.....
  10. irviniteeee

    Retail Openings and Closures

    Windsor is a homebrew shop, it's not tapping home brews. They have guest taps from all over. And Green Cheek doesn't serve only IPAs, while Bottle Logic actually has tons of IPAs. Windsor actually has a non-IPA Bottle Logic on tap at the moment as well. If you like breweries that have a variety...
  11. irviniteeee

    The Meadows, Lake Forest by Toll Brothers

    Taiko and Fukada come to mind for Irvine Japanese. South County might have a variety of random places, but most of them are mediocre IMO. I meant they seem to be getting better options as far as quality goes, but their restaurants are nothing to write home about as a whole. Another thing that's...
  12. irviniteeee

    The Meadows, Lake Forest by Toll Brothers

    They have a few things we're missing, but overall South County has a really lackluster food scene. It seems to be getting better little by little.
  13. irviniteeee

    Retail Openings and Closures

    I love Board and Brew, but it really depends what sandwiches you order. Beer selection is top tier though. Nice to see that both The Stand and Board & Brew are going to be next to each other for the beer lovers.
  14. irviniteeee

    Retail Openings and Closures

    And if you're into sandwiches, Windsor owns a place in Anaheim called Windsor Brown's that has beer and sandwiches.
  15. irviniteeee

    New communities in Portola Springs

    The homes up on the hill next to the pedestrian bridge in PS were barely missed when they were still in the process of being built. They did a good job of stopping it before it went even deeper into the residential streets, but it was a close one.
  16. irviniteeee

    The Meadows, Lake Forest by Toll Brothers

    Are you a resident of The Meadows? If so, do you have kids? I'm wondering how people feel about the lack of a school from a personal perspective. I don't know anyone who lives there so I haven't had a chance to get a real feel for that. From an outsider looking in, it seems like a school was...
  17. irviniteeee

    New communities in Portola Springs

    Not trying to be combative in any way, but PS has endured numerous fires, it wasn't just a one time thing. I'm born and raised in Irvine and that area has had its share of fires over the years. I'm actually surprised insurers are not considering it in the fire hazard zone.
  18. irviniteeee

    New communities in Portola Springs

    Shea is going to be at build-out in no time with these prices. :LOL: