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  1. R

    Ever been to Rosarito Beach in Mexico?

    It's a dangerous place. Don't go there. An acquaintance who currently lives in the most dangerous part of Santa Ana said she will never visit Rosarito again. Of course, prior to her trip. She was very brave and said, "Heck, nothing is going to happen to me." Well, what she'd witnessed...
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    Cash in Pocket

    I almost always use the debit card. I hate having coins and cash in my pockets or wallet. It's a sanitary thing with me. Seriously, whenever I see my wife hold cash/coins in hands, I cringe. Last week, she grabbed some coins off our kitchen counter and I said to her, "Honey, please put...
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    American girl place

    I like the Grove in L.A.
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    Dining Deals

  5. R

    Where do stash cash these days?

    Oh, BTW. Watch out for that Korean lady at the Chae Bahn restaurant at the Diamond Jamboree. She won't honor the restaurant coupon, either. She says it's for "dine-in" only. Yet, the coupon doesn't state that. And if you want to meet the soup nazi's cousin. Go to Capital Seafood "take-out"...
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    Mas' Islamic Restaurant (Anaheim)

    I just took some antibiotics. I am so hungry looking at those pics.
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    Restaurant complaints thread

    At Diamond Jamboree. There's a Korean restaurant called, "CHAE BAHN". They had this coupon that said, "Buy one get the 2nd one half off." But when you go to present the coupon. The lady at the register said with an accent, "NO! Not Valiiid! For Dine in only!!" WTF!! it doesn't state that on the...
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    Restaurant complaints thread

    Capital Seafood take-out side. The gal, Michelle, reminds me of the soup Nazi from Seinfeld. Haha! Since there was no labels to indicate what the items are. I asked her, "What's this?" She retorted, "House chicken!"......I then asked, "What's this?" to which she yelled, "Kung Pao chicken!" And...
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    Restaurant complaints thread

    Greek Islands Cuisine @ Diamond Jamboree. The coupon on says, "$14.95 dinner for 2 mixed grill special." Am I misinterpreting this? You buy 2 mixed grill special for $14.95, correct? Well, today I went to the aforementioned joint and the lady said, "No. It's $14.95 for the...
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    Got laid off....

    Sorry to hear that No_Vas.
  11. R

    Should I co-sign a house for my parents? Help!

    ARghh!! Was that a dang troll? Was he taking a survey or something? That dang bast@rd!
  12. R

    Should I co-sign a house for my parents? Help!

    Any parents whom put this kind of burden on their child is not good. Period.