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  1. R

    When do you plan on buying and where in Irvine?

    Rlarson, Inventories have been low lately. I don't believe buyers snatched them all up. I remember a year ago, I saw lots of active listings. Current inventories, as stated, is very low. From your opinion, what is or are the reasons behind this?
  2. R

    Obama ruining the country?

    So that's how easy it is, huh? Clinton had Osama bin Laden in the crosshairs so he should have just pulled the trigger. Oh, how simple life must be. Assuming he'd pulled the trigger on his own. You don't think there'll be an uproar from the other side of Congress? As for asking Congress to go to...
  3. R

    Looking for a nanny?

    Scman <------ a male au pair who only ask for la salsa coupons in exchange for his houseworks. On occasions, a peanut butter jam sandwich is suffice for him.
  4. R

    How are Irvine homes selling?

    Oh, cr@p. I am not suppose to disclose that. Strike those posts.
  5. R

    Obama ruining the country?

    Just look at the title of this thread: "Obama ruining the country?" The answer is "NO". GWB ruined the country in the last 8 years. He left a mess for Obama to fix. Obama is only in Office for less than a year. And you expect him to fix 8 years of freaking mess? Change the title of the...
  6. R

    Obama ruining the country?

    If this is an open discussion. Why the hell is it only a 'good discussion' when Look4house finds someone agreeing with him. If look4house wants this thread to be anti-Obama then re-name the thread title "Only anti-Obama comments here". And if you talk crap about President Obama and his so...
  7. R

    What do you do for a living?

    Left corporate environment in '03. Just not for me. Seen companies letting people go a few years before retirement. I can't imagine myself in my late 50's then being let go. I suppose some can try and stay put for 30 years or so, hoping not to be let go. But the odds of being let go before 30...
  8. R

    What do you do for a living?

    Although, I was a kid back then. But I love the 70's to this day.