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  1. bltserv_IHB

    Pets can't find their way home in Irvine.

    There are more Coyotes than you think. And one of the leading food sources for the local population. House Cats. Also consider the Hawk population. Any small cat under a year is Hawk bait for a larger Raptor. For every Coyote you happen to catch in the neighborhood. There are 10 more you...
  2. bltserv_IHB

    College Football 2009 Thread

    Lets also remember that the 2008 Washington Record was 0-12. You can put a fork in USC for this season. They are already well done.
  3. bltserv_IHB

    REOs Leased by Bank Considered Shadow Inventory?

    I thought it was Masculine "La" Or Feminine "Lo"
  4. bltserv_IHB


    Dont forget your winnings ! <object width="325" height="250"><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="325" height="250"></embed></object>
  5. bltserv_IHB

    Obama Healthcare Speech

    I heard a simple explination on Healthcare this morning. Note: The only real government controlled health care is the VA. Its is government owned and operated. But lets say for the sake of argument. Most hospitals and Doctors are not owned by any insurance companies. The exception would...
  6. bltserv_IHB

    REOs Leased by Bank Considered Shadow Inventory?

    Skipper was entertaining if anything. I almost felt sorry for the guy. (I do think he was a man) It was obvious he had some RE experience and was well versed in the lingo of Modifications. I sensed he was a gentleman around my age as well. But there was some great bitterness in his style...
  7. bltserv_IHB

    How old were you when you had your first job?

    11-13 Paper Route. Evening Outlook. About 85 Papers. $ 50.00 a month. 13-16 Drive Up Dairy. Cash Register and Clerk. $ 1.00 to $ 2.00 an Hr. 16-17 Bowling Alley Mechanic, Flower Delivery, Telephone Solicitor. $ 2.00- $ 4.00 Hr.
  8. bltserv_IHB


    Darn. What did I miss ? I come back from lunch and the Skippers ship has been torpedoed ? Just tragic. <object width="325" height="250"><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="325" height="250"></embed></object>
  9. bltserv_IHB

    Things you wish you could tell people.

    <blockquote>Just for the record, Nude. I?m really referring to some of the more overt tactics used by our friends over at FOX lately, he racism, going to euthanize your grandmother type of stuff. </blockquote> I think this is going to make him fussy. Faux News is fair an balanced. Watching...
  10. bltserv_IHB

    How much to ship something from the US to Singapore? THe item is less than 10 pounds.

    Depends what it is. Goods or Documents. Personally. Just put it in a Fed Ex box. Call it a document. And off you go.
  11. bltserv_IHB

    Who was your favorite Rock N Roll Band in your teens?

    Nude have you seen this ? Marvin at his best. I miss him very much. <object width="325" height="250"><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="325" height="250"></embed></object>
  12. bltserv_IHB

    Obama Healthcare Speech

    Its great when we all agree. Good Roast Beef is a RIGHT ! <img src="" alt="" />
  13. bltserv_IHB

    Obama Healthcare Speech

    True Cost of the war in Iraq vs Medicare costs. The projected costs of Iraq could be as high as 2 Trillion when you factor in the future costs of Veteran Healthcare for the next couple of decades. "A new study by Columbia University economist Joseph E. Stiglitz, who won the Nobel...
  14. bltserv_IHB

    Obama Healthcare Speech

    <blockquote>Inglewood is a really a Third World Country</blockquote> Not sure about you but I grew up on the westside. And yes. Inglewood has become a 3rd world and so has the area around my house in Culver City. Sepulveda/Sawtelle. Its not safe in the least to walk in the evenings...
  15. bltserv_IHB

    Market Update

    <blockquote>I have a dog tho?</blockquote> <img src="" alt="" />
  16. bltserv_IHB

    Obama Healthcare Speech

    Nude when I mentioned the Camps of the 30`s you did go a little "Agro". <blockquote>Don?t go SkipperDan on us. Those camps had nothing to do with the sick the poor, or the weak and you damn well know it. Either post facts, cites, or links that support your opinion on the current state of...