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  1. bltserv_IHB

    Ever been to Rosarito Beach in Mexico?

    Almost all the negative comments are from people that hardly if ever go down to Rosarito. Or they mention a "Friends" bad experience. What a bunch of wimps. Its been about a year since we went as a group. We have a friend that owns a home south of Rosarito in a gated community...
  2. bltserv_IHB

    How much "car" would you buy?

    How much car would I buy ? Already have a couple great cars. Now that I am in my second childhood. Over 50, Single, and pretty well set. And Renting. (Thanks in part to this board). I find that my cars are the "vice" of choice. Last night we attended the launch of the new...
  3. bltserv_IHB

    Why the GOP is screwed, and how Obama has nothing to fear.

    Same old grumpy Nude. I think he still has me on ignore. I wonder what he would say about Obama`s Japan trip ? <img src="" alt="" />
  4. bltserv_IHB

    What Would You Do With $100,000?

    After thinking about it. Add to the nestegg or upgrade on the weekend car. Ferrari 458 Italia. I would still need to pony up another $100K and change. <object width="325" height="250"><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="325"...
  5. bltserv_IHB

    Cell Phone Reviews

    My business uses both Sprint and ATT cell phones. Seems like the Sprint with my 3G LG Phone is best. Texts always are instant and the reception is acceptable. Unlimited EVERYTHING. About $ 90.00 a month per phone. Works well in buildings and is rarely down. Just a few dropped calls on...
  6. bltserv_IHB

    College Football 2009 Thread

    Stanford. That was the pick of the season.
  7. bltserv_IHB

    Should I co-sign a house for my parents? Help!

    <blockquote>Anyway, here?s the point: unless you?ve got a check ready to pay them off for all the money they spent raising you, refusing them help is akin to throwing them off a speeding train. </blockquote> That statement wins the Darwin award. Some people dont have any business having...
  8. bltserv_IHB

    Should I co-sign a house for my parents? Help!

    As a parent of an adult child I would NEVER put my kids in that situation. Must be an ethnic thing to do what your suggesting. Tell them you will help them rent. It serves NO PURPOSE whatsoever for them to buy. They have already failed at being in debt. Why do it again ? Practice...
  9. bltserv_IHB

    College Football 2009 Thread

    I hope you USC fans realize that USC had only 3 snaps in Arizona State Teritory in the ENTIRE GAME. No way should they be ranked in the top 20.
  10. bltserv_IHB

    Election Night 2009

    Same as North Korea. Somalia and Afghanistan. Insufficient Data.
  11. bltserv_IHB

    Election Night 2009

    I am suggesting that Nudes Statement that we are "The Freest Republic on the Planet" needs to be looked at from all the perspectives of the word "freedom". We can continue to build more and more prisons until we create his Free Utopia of a Police State. How many conservatives want to end...
  12. bltserv_IHB

    Must Watch-Jon Stewart doing Glenn Beck

    <object width="325" height="250"><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="325" height="250"></embed></object> Listen to some of Glenn Beck at his best. I hear you can get some of the end of this clip as a ring tone. I am convinced this...
  13. bltserv_IHB

    Election Night 2009

    <blockquote>We are not evil, or heartless, or selfish, or cruel. We are happy, loving, generous, and responsible and we are trying to keep this country as it was intended to be, the freest Republic in the world. </blockquote> This is not my idea of the freest Republic in the World. We have...
  14. bltserv_IHB

    Election Night 2009

    As long as the perception that this guy is the leading spokesperson for the true GOP conservative cause. And Sarah Palin is out there securing the base. Everything looks good. <img src="" alt="" />
  15. bltserv_IHB

    Election Night 2009

    My conservative friends are acting like its the fall of the Roman Empire or the death of Fidel Castro. After 8 Years of Bush. And one of Obama. I am going to be a little patient with the new guy. I think the fact that Marijuana is becoming legal in more States is a bigger news item...