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  1. bltserv_IHB

    Wine Thread

    The main drag in Napa can get a bit crowded. Try the Sonoma side if you get a chance and your spending a couple of days. If your going to hit Mondavi. Then hit Coppola too. Great tour with his Oscars on display. The wine is not bad either. And your right there. My favorite is...
  2. bltserv_IHB

    Selling a car

    All larger transactions should be Wire Transfer. Been seeing a lot of bad Cashiers Checks the last couple years.
  3. bltserv_IHB

    What do you do on the weekend?

    Sat. Cars and Coffee if the weekend car is detailed enough. Lots of walking. Couple hours of work at the office. Accounting Day. Salt Fish Tank at work weekly maintenance. Lunch someplace decent. Houstons or Tommy Bahama are favorites. Go to Ferrari dealer and look around once a month...
  4. bltserv_IHB

    What type of antenna do you have for HDTV

    <a href=""></a> I know you guys like to start fires with 2 sticks to prove yourselves. Or. You could try the modern method and spend $ 50.00 Star Trek HDTV setup...
  5. bltserv_IHB

    Palin will do anything for attention

    Man. I cant stop laughing. Thats got to be the funniest conservative comeback yet. The Larry Craig defense. <object width="325" height="250"><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="325" height="250"></embed></object>
  6. bltserv_IHB

    Palin will do anything for attention

    Its more fun to watch the Conservatives just go stupid over a woman who has the intelligence of a small child. But thats typical. Anything thats above self gratification takes extreme effort for most conservative men. Better to marry a dumb woman who they can easilly challenge intelectually...
  7. bltserv_IHB

    American girl place

    <object width="325" height="250"><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="325" height="250"></embed></object> Our Asian friends decided to change lanes in this thread.
  8. bltserv_IHB

    Palin will do anything for attention

    Time to wake up the good old Sarah Palin thread from the dead. Looks like our friends at Faux News are up to their old tricks again. They dont call it Propoganda for nothing. Nothing like some selective editing to make the crowds look a little bigger for Sarah and her book. <object...
  9. bltserv_IHB

    American girl place

    For god sakes. What happened to this poor thread about "American Girl" ? Between Nude and the Asians talking about Porn. Its getting freaky I thought this is/was the Parenting Forum ? <img src="" alt="" />
  10. bltserv_IHB

    Cash in Pocket

    <blockquote>I do tend to notice that older Boomers carry more cash</blockquote> Good Description. That would be me. "Older Boomer". I was behind an older lady at the Pharmacy the other day. In Laguna Woods. She gave the girl 6 cards before one of them worked for her $ 20.00...
  11. bltserv_IHB

    The Golden State isn?t worth it - LA Times

    I love it when people try to use electronics as a basis of a pricing index. All of my life there has always been this constant with electronics or computers. Moores Law. <a href="'s_law">'s_law</a> Or as I was...
  12. bltserv_IHB

    How much "car" would you buy?

    Awgee. True words of wizdom. A Woman you love and an expensive car are like gambling. Bet what you can afford to lose. Then have a really good time doing it.
  13. bltserv_IHB

    Govt. to REQUIRE adults to carry Health care insurance

    Pretty much all of life is a gamble. Paying $ 800.00 a month for me personally is insane. And my business partner at 60. For him and his wife its close to $ 1200.00 a month. I will self insure until we get resonable Healthcare Costs. I still think the Health Insurance bill...
  14. bltserv_IHB

    American girl place

  15. bltserv_IHB

    American girl place

    <blockquote>I?m not condemning the dolls or the idea behind them, just the idea of a ?doll spa day? targeted at turning little girls into lifelong spa customers. </blockquote> And what is wrong with going to a Spa on a regular basis ? Have you ever been to a Spa Mr. Nude ? Come to...
  16. bltserv_IHB

    Cash in Pocket

    I always have about $ 300 on me. Its so much easier than using cards for every little thing. I go crazy when I watch somebody charge a $ 1.85 cup of coffee at Starbucks. Or buy $ 20.00 worth of Groceries with a card and get $ 40.00 cash back. About once a week I will go to the bank and...
  17. bltserv_IHB

    American girl place

    <blockquote>What was once done with imagination and tiny plastic tea sets is now given a stamp of validity and realism that can?t help but negatively reinforce stereotypes that extend the misogynistic view of women as gold diggers. I mean, kids don?t even need to use their imagination anymore...