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  1. ThirtySomethingWEquity

    Housing Analysis

    Yeah we knew this was going to happen regardless of national trends. Remote work meant more people were going to… SVtoOC.
  2. ThirtySomethingWEquity

    The Real Fried Chicken Thread

    they do use white meat but I didn't find it too dry especially with the sauces. If I was just eating it crispy fried it might not be as good as chicken thighs though.
  3. ThirtySomethingWEquity

    The Real Fried Chicken Thread

    I think BB.Q Chicken in Northpark is really great. Their lunch portion is very generous and I love their sauces. My only note is everything is tamed down spiceyness. If you order something with a litlte spice you taste nothing. If you order something spicy it's mild spicy. But, still really...
  4. ThirtySomethingWEquity

    The Meadows, Lake Forest by Toll Brothers

    The Ralph's in Foothill Ranch is pretty bad. I guess it's fine for getting some veggies and lunchmeat but their meat selection is awful, no good cheese, often sold out of random things etc. I prefer to go further down Lake Forest to the other...Ralphs. Really, the fact that Costco is so...
  5. ThirtySomethingWEquity

    The Meadows, Lake Forest by Toll Brothers

    Since BR was developed, you have had Iron Ridge, The Oaks, Serrano Summit, Terassina, The Meadows, etc. Foothill Ranch has had quite a lot of change.
  6. ThirtySomethingWEquity

    Poll: Irvine Housing Prediction June 2022

    Yeah I speak for the all the non nutjobs here. It sounds like you are saying you are trying to time the market by having sold and are renting now?
  7. ThirtySomethingWEquity

    Poll: Irvine Housing Prediction June 2022

    uh, wasn't it you who conflated both buyers and sellers originally? I was just pointint it out. Also, what's your deal? Are you one of those nutjobs who sold their house and makes their family live in a rental while they await the 'crash', but now you're annoyed it didn't happen fast enough...
  8. ThirtySomethingWEquity

    Poll: Irvine Housing Prediction June 2022

    What the fuck are you talking about lol. 25% downturn in prices would be a *good* thing for people who want to own. Second, at peak I was up ~ 60% from when I bought. At this point I have over a mill in equity. So who gives a shit if I 'lose' another 10%. It's paper money. It's like saying...
  9. ThirtySomethingWEquity

    The Meadows, Lake Forest by Toll Brothers

    Cielo looks like nice floorplans, but plan 1 is pretty close to Highlands 2, no? I loved Highlands, just out of my price range at the time. My house is pretty much a slightly larger toll bros version of Highlands 2 though (with a cooler, more inconvenient staricase. It's the helena plan of...
  10. ThirtySomethingWEquity

    The Meadows, Lake Forest by Toll Brothers

    I think most of us know we have to make tradeoffs when buying a house. I'm not sure why CalBears96 posting about why he dosn't like The Meadows is a bad thing. I don't like the Bluffs. Small kitchen to me, I don't like the yard being on 'the side' of the house (from the front door at least)...
  11. ThirtySomethingWEquity

    The Meadows, Lake Forest by Toll Brothers

    What is your issue with it being lower? Polution? Just general aesthetic? I assume you like being high up since you're in The Bluffs. :) Is Irvine ever going to build shopping by you guys btw?
  12. ThirtySomethingWEquity

    Poll: Irvine Housing Prediction June 2022

    yeah. but who cares. If house prices go down 25% from the peak... that barely affects anyone. What % of homeowners actually bought between late 2021 and early 2022? 5% or less?
  13. ThirtySomethingWEquity

    Poll: Irvine Housing Prediction June 2022

    I think some people, in their head, are thinking this might mean down 15% from early 2021 prices. They're not remembering just how absolutely bonkers it got for a brief moment in early 2022. 15% from that insane peak isn't outrageous.
  14. ThirtySomethingWEquity

    How high will mortgage rates climb in the next 36 months?

    I mean, maybe? If I can get Treasury bonds for 4% and a loan for 4.5% then I should probably not pay cash?
  15. ThirtySomethingWEquity

    How high will mortgage rates climb in the next 36 months?

    Maybe it's good I didn't take out a HELOC. I guess I'll just be paying cash to redo my backyard now?
  16. ThirtySomethingWEquity

    Starter Homes 2022

    please define terms for shit talking.  Are you talking about comparably priced or median priced, are we talking absolute dollars or percentage for putting 20% or what?  Also, where do you live?
  17. ThirtySomethingWEquity

    How high will mortgage rates climb in the next 36 months?

    I think places in my neighborhood are down about 15% from the very very peak.  It's hard to say because the super upgraded stuff fetched absurd prices and I mainly see investors trying to sell barebones stuff, but even stilll, maybe 10% is a conservative estimate.
  18. ThirtySomethingWEquity

    Newer Irvine listings with crazy WTF asking prices from equity sellers

    So, I realize taste is subjective but come on, that is a fugly kitchen right?  8.8 mil wtf?  How in the world can anyone compare this with the ~9 M properties in Shady Canyon and think "yeah that looks like the right price".
  19. ThirtySomethingWEquity

    Solis Park - Arborwood

    ?  Portola Springs is five minutes away from the Great Park, The Meadows in Lake Forest is maybe 8 minutes...
  20. ThirtySomethingWEquity

    The Meadows, Lake Forest by Toll Brothers

    Checked out the models of Evergreen this weekend with the family.  Very nicely done, you can see Toll Bros. have learned from Baker Ranch and improved in small ways.  The homes are even closer to the sidewalk with almost no front yard but don't feel *too* close or cramped.  All the models have...