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  1. ThirtySomethingWEquity

    Luna Park in Great Park Neighborhood

    Retail is coming. They said that the last ten years, but this year is different.
  2. ThirtySomethingWEquity

    Olivewood at Portola Springs by New Home Co.

    I think there are a lot of doctors that live in or are moving to Irvine. Between Kaiser, Hoag, the giant new UCI medical center they're building on jamboree, the giant building under construction by the broadcom center, etc.
  3. ThirtySomethingWEquity

    Olivewood at Portola Springs by New Home Co.

    “Not particularly rare”? You can look up average TC for various levels. It’s the top end if L6 ranges at big tech companies. L6 at faang type companies is what, less than 10%? So no, i’d argue it’s fairly rare these days. Maybe you work at TGS in irvine where it’s average, but it’s...
  4. ThirtySomethingWEquity

    Work in office or remote?

    Having a 45 minute round trip commute is negated by the fact that I can get a snack 20 feet from my desk whenever I want, I don't have to make myself a coffee, I don't have to make myself (or drive to) lunch, etc. I'm thinking if companies want people in the office, they're going to have to...
  5. ThirtySomethingWEquity

    Work in office or remote?

    I go to the office voluntarily but it doesn’t hurt I get free food, coffee, snacks and massages. However I keep finding myself on teams from the bay area. I will maintain the idea that despite the friction of being “remote”, distributed teams are the way of the future
  6. ThirtySomethingWEquity

    Newer Irvine listings with crazy WTF asking prices from equity sellers

    Keep in mind, some of the people who buy these houses don't give a rats ass about making a profit. They just want to 🛁🛁🛁 the money.
  7. ThirtySomethingWEquity

    I found cool car wash!!

    Also next door to one of the richest hedge funds in the country.
  8. ThirtySomethingWEquity

    Shake Shack @ Spectrum

    How does it compare to The Melt? Because i love taking my son to The Spectrum and sometimes we just want cheeseburgers for lunch…
  9. ThirtySomethingWEquity

    If you were to move out of Irvine (and California), where would you buy a home today?

    I’d go to phoenix. I’d prefer extreme summers to extreme winters!
  10. ThirtySomethingWEquity

    Charts show University of California admissions rates for every public high school in state

    I don’t understand what the current argument is about? Should we go back to shitting on college?
  11. ThirtySomethingWEquity

    Charts show University of California admissions rates for every public high school in state

    I have some friends and acquaintances who graduated from UC’s who have struggled in the tech industry and I’ve interviewed plenty who just straight bomb. *shrug*
  12. ThirtySomethingWEquity

    Charts show University of California admissions rates for every public high school in state

    I’m sorry to say but STEM education by the UC’s is atrocious. People who succeed in stem careers coming from the UC’s do it with a ton of extra self study. Their curriculum is pretty bad. Let me put it another way: UC education is the Eastwood Village of colleges. Way over priced and not...
  13. ThirtySomethingWEquity

    The Meadows, Lake Forest by Toll Brothers

    Plenty bought way lower then what they are now. At one point Evergreen started at 1.5m.
  14. ThirtySomethingWEquity

    The Meadows, Lake Forest by Toll Brothers

    I am in BR, and last year at one of the community events they had about 200 kids were 2 and under that showed up. There are a LOT of families here. Also where are you getting 10k a month? Maybe for the model home of Evergreen? We saw some rentals for 4500 already.
  15. ThirtySomethingWEquity

    Charts show University of California admissions rates for every public high school in state

    Maybe, if CalTech is as exclusive and selective as you all say it is, maybe they are all going to work for boutique finance companies (that are known to be more selective and much more lucrative than FAANG/big tech). It would make sense why they fly under the radar, often tech people who work...
  16. ThirtySomethingWEquity

    Charts show University of California admissions rates for every public high school in state

    It is more well respected for CompSci in CS /Faang circles. Ask most SWEs which program is more comprehensive, most will say CMU. How many CalTech profs have won a Turing? I just looked, its half as many as CMU.
  17. ThirtySomethingWEquity

    Charts show University of California admissions rates for every public high school in state

    My point was while I might be special, turns out i’m not one in a million special. FAANG companies have quite a lot folks without degrees and/or weird non traditional backgrounds. So a good school is great but it doesn’t get you a good job, and not having a degree isn’t a knock against someone...
  18. ThirtySomethingWEquity

    Charts show University of California admissions rates for every public high school in state

    Well, I am familiar with the rankings and what people say, but I don’t have firsthand experience at either a school. And finally, I was only referring to CS, so if you got your Neuro PhD there, I wasn’t trying to knock you. As for me, what is the part that is hard to believe? That I didn’t go...
  19. ThirtySomethingWEquity

    Work in office or remote?

    So GOOG changed and now they’re saying only 2 days in the office required but you won’t get a permanent desk if you only come in 2 days, it will be hot desking. I like working from an office (primarily), and yet somehow I keep getting on teams that are remote from me. The last 15 years, only...