Search results

  1. ThirtySomethingWEquity

    Great Park & El Toro Base / Areas of Concern

    I dunno, Orchard Hills pools have ocean views, that's pretty hard to beat.
  2. ThirtySomethingWEquity

    Serrano Summit | Lake Forest

    It's a lot of personal preference, but the kitchen on the bluffs felt more cramped, it seems smashed into the corner of the house.  Also, the siding door isn't opposite of where you walk into the great room, makin g it feel smaller despite being similar sq ft.  I don't like the fact that the...
  3. ThirtySomethingWEquity

    Serrano Summit | Lake Forest

    Hey I thought i'd chime in with my thoughts since I looked at Portola Springs, Lake Forest, and dreamed about Orchard Hills but was priced out (for 4 bedrooms with anything more than a tiny patio).  I think the Highland floorplans are super nice, walking in just feels like you're in a premium...
  4. ThirtySomethingWEquity

    I-Bonds...a great place for idle cash

    How do I buy them? Just fire up robinhood or TDAmeritrade?
  5. ThirtySomethingWEquity


    How is the density?  Driving by, some of the neighborhoods seemed incredibly packed together, very little yardspace, feels like your neighbor is going to peer down into your yard at all times.  Perfectly fine for a detached condo or even a newer SFH, but for 3M? 
  6. ThirtySomethingWEquity

    Does the All American Asphalt smell affect Eastwood?

    Lol, I think it's a great place to live, I just think the premium *OVER* Stonegate/Woodbury/PS is insanely unjustified.  I also think once Irvine Company stops pumping that crazy marketing money into china princes will level off into normal 'high' prices. So in the meantime I'll have fun and...
  7. ThirtySomethingWEquity

    Does the All American Asphalt smell affect Eastwood?

    I think the smell is the trailer park across the street.
  8. ThirtySomethingWEquity

    FYI: Sureshine Care and Restoration Services

    Lol ok buddy.  Good one, glad you got me with your second edit.
  9. ThirtySomethingWEquity

    FYI: Sureshine Care and Restoration Services

    Lol this says everything you need to know.  Can you imagine, an attorney thinking they're the smartest guy in the room?
  10. ThirtySomethingWEquity

    The Meadows, Lake Forest by Toll Brothers

    Mind sharing what age, school and cost?  I'm in BR and have to figure that out once my kid gets old enough (he has a nanny now).
  11. ThirtySomethingWEquity

    Landscaping costs these days?

    Things were fire all summer so I didn't even try to look for landscaping.  What is the going rate to do some nice tile, landcaping, pergola, etc without anything crazy like a pool or ornate water feature? I've got maybe 600-800 sq ft of yard space.  Just trying to figure out how much of my...
  12. ThirtySomethingWEquity

    I can't believe up to $1m only buys you this kind of "house" in Irvine:

    The money is printed, it exists.  The question is if you can get better returns elsewhere, like if interest rates are raised, if the FED stops buying everything, does money drift from RE to other asset classes like treasury bonds?  Probably some, but that's not going to 'pop' anything, that's...
  13. ThirtySomethingWEquity

    The Meadows, Lake Forest by Toll Brothers

    I think you have to see what comes standard.  They may have upped the prices and also decided that everyone is getting premium paint, slider windows, upgraded kitchens, etc.  They may just want to discourage the bare bones investors from buying without any upgrades.  If it turns out you would...
  14. ThirtySomethingWEquity

    StoneGate vs Eastwood

    EW is across the street from a trailer park.  It does not look nice to see one side of the street lined with fancy olive trees and the other with old Eucalyptus trees and manufactured home roofs.  Also not close to a good shopping center (except for the Korean Market). Stonegate is an awesome...
  15. ThirtySomethingWEquity

    Cetara Orchard Hills The Groves Shea Homes

    If you are single and right out school go for it. Find a 2M 5 bedroom and rent out 3 rooms to college students! 3500 a month in tax free money.  Tell them to pay in Crypto.  ;D
  16. ThirtySomethingWEquity

    The Meadows, Lake Forest by Toll Brothers

    well, Altair looks hot for whatever reason, I dunno, If I have a 5,000 sq ft house I don't want it to feel like a IPAC detached condo complex and some of those altair homes are SQUEEEEZED in.  I looked at just a handful of Cadence/Beacon park homes, yeah some of them made 300k over 5 years but...
  17. ThirtySomethingWEquity

    Cetara Orchard Hills The Groves Shea Homes

    What job and is getting a 2M mortgage smart?  You lose the tax benefits and sure I suppose you could invest aggresively but that seems *pretty* leveraged... heh. Maybe I don't have an appetite for that much risk.
  18. ThirtySomethingWEquity

    The Meadows, Lake Forest by Toll Brothers

    Everything else meaning the trailer park right across the street!  And the landfill on the other side!  The reason Eastwood went up in value is simply because The Irvine Company pumped insane marketing money into promoting it to the mainlanders.  It's the same reason why certain...
  19. ThirtySomethingWEquity

    The Meadows, Lake Forest by Toll Brothers

    The commute to LA would be brutal, I think you're underestimating how terrible it is.  2 hours is a bit optimistic even unless you leave at 5 am as people say. I'd rent a room from someone or get a sleeping bags for the office a couple days a week instead.  As for LF vs Irvine, I think...