Interesting Turtle Rock remodel with a WTF price

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It doesn't quite match the 1970s neighborhood.
Last Sale: $299,000 (02/20/1996)

From the listing:  Stop! You have never seen anything like this
No I haven't.


I like it... especially that view deck at the top.

Weird mix of styles on the inside though... and I definitely would not pay $2m+ if I had it.

Huge house and lot though, 5403sf/9750sft... but not 3CWG.
The house is odd- some parts seem totally new- and then the bathrooms seem very outdated.  And for $2+ million, I don't want shower curtains!
Not liking at all--that tall garage door and that tower make the house look like a friggin Fire House. They just need a Dalmatian to complete the look.
I think this place is priced well. It is brand new. Huge lot. Currently new SFR in Irvine are around 350-370/SF in smaller lots for sure.. and this is Turtle Rock at 395/SF. If some one in the market at that price range and they like the style it is probably a good buy :-)
The house looks like it has 3 wine fridges built into the front. Seriously, the garage doors aren't much bigger than the entrance. Where the hell is the Cybertruck supposed to park?
StreetView is not your friend here.

Wonder how this could possibly appraise given the local comps. Of course if someone is going to park money for a short while, appraisals don't really matter.

No chance it closes anywhere near the list view, no larger lot, etc.