The one that I know work pretty darn hard during their workday, then coach or advise in the afternoon, then prep or grade nights/weekends. And generally are not well paid, despite having a master's degree.
For NINE MONTHS! Pretty tough job. The rest of us work 11 1/2 months, also "pretty damn hard," and we have to rely on what we save for retirement or the pittance paid by socialist insecurity. Contrast this with teachers' cushy retirement plans. There are local supeintendents who receive $250,000 or more annual retirement pay, thank you suckers very much.
Teachers with masters' degrees have long been paid six figures all the while crying poormouth.
How do we improve educational results? Teachers always have given the same answer: "MORE MONEY!"
How has that worked out.? Inversely. The more they have been paid in constant dollars (counting inflation), the worse results they have produce, for over thirty years!
Atlanta is a thoroughly Democrat-run city. An articulate black lady savages them, stating that 92% of public school students in Atlanta are illiterate. This explains the growth of the Democrat Party.
Vote Democrat for more millions of illegals, higher national debt, more millions to Muslim terrorists, reparations for black Americans who were never slaves, price fixing, and the most Left-wing president and vice president in American history.
Incidentally, Professor Walter Williams stated that THE lowest scoring major in colleges, on average, was .... education. Second lowest was sociology. Upon graduation, they took the GRE and reversed lowest and second lowest positions. Virtually 100% of these low performing people are Democrats.