Presidential Elections

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Did Biden just get confused someone else as Jill?
That was hilarious. There is no way Biden makes it past the first year of his new term should he manage to remain in the race and beat Trump. Sure looks like he will be dropping out, my guess is by next Friday. Looks like Trump is going to be our next president. Not the best thing for society but probably the best for our pocketbooks (in the short run). At the rate this country is falling apart retiring outside the US is starting to look more appealing.
The September debate between The Tangerine Satan vs Diversity Hire Barbie should provide some laffs.

I'm still of the belief that DHB will not get the nom, but in order to keep The TS out of the oval office, Michelle Obama will step in "for the good of the country" and charge forward. Per most polling, MO is about the only candidate the D's have to win against Trump.
Even a screaming libtard like Zuck had to admit it👍🏽😂😂😂🇺🇸

‘BADASS’: Zuckerberg Admits He Got Emotional Watching Trump Get Back Up After Shooting​

Sitting with a reporter for Bloomberg, the Facebook founder opened up about how he felt after watching the Republican leader get to his feet and pump his fist in the air, calling it “one of the most badass things I’ve ever seen in my life.”

What exactly are the qualifications of Mitchell Obama?
Other than the accomplishments of her husband? Zip, zero, nada. She would remind many low information Americans of the days when Barack was in the White House. It's a seductive image only and also one of no substance. People fall for that stuff all the time. Image, as some say, is everything, and MO has that and the fact she is not DHB.
Castro did it in the 80’s, emptied his jails onto our shores….why wouldn’t Venezuela do the same?….I would😂😂😂😂

Tiktok Migrant Who Encouraged Home Squatting Was in Venezuelan Military Intel Unit​

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it’s a suicide mission that nobody wants….Gretchen Whitchmer and Dipity doo won’t go anywhere near it😂😂😂😂👍🏽🇺🇸

Also As predicted….

Political Suicide: Why Only Two Democrat Candidates Are Being Seriously Considered to Replace Joe Biden​

This is why it seems like only two people are being floated by the Democrats' communication team, also known as corporate media. Kamala Harris and Hillary Clinton have been the most common names being proposed the last few days as replacements for Biden because neither has a political future whether they take over the nomination or not.


Also As predicted….

Political Suicide: Why Only Two Democrat Candidates Are Being Seriously Considered to Replace Joe Biden​

This is why it seems like only two people are being floated by the Democrats' communication team, also known as corporate media. Kamala Harris and Hillary Clinton have been the most common names being proposed the last few days as replacements for Biden because neither has a political future whether they take over the nomination or not.

Exactly. The Dems are trying to save the down ticket so they can try to retain control of the Senate. Their target is now 2028 for which Newsom and Whitmore are the early favorites.