Recent content by JMoney98

  1. J

    Irvine Crime Wave

  2. J

    Irvine Crime Wave

    I had heard that the girl was a bully herself and terrorized many at that school. But that’s just me hearing second hand. Not trying to justify anything.
  3. J

    Orchard Hills 4 - "The Summit" Updates

    If you’re single who could afford these homes, why live in Irvine?
  4. J

    Veterans Cemetery coming to Irvine

    I’m guessing with the new plans the cemetery conversations are dead? No pun intended.
  5. J

    Orchard Hills 4 - "The Summit" Updates

    yeah but you don’t get the view of all the white Teslas.
  6. J

    Irvine Crime Wave

    It doesn't seem to stop.
  7. J

    Contingent Buyer Assistance Program

    This is a great program Martin.