Recent content by Irvine2023

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    I checked their page on Yelp a little over a week ago and their reviews were horrible. Like a 2.8 average after 30ish reviews with as many 1 star reviews as 5 stars reviews. Now suddenly they have a 4.2 average with a ton of positive 1-2 line reviews. One of the reviews gave away their secret...
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    Retail Openings and Closures

    Saw someone mention it’ll be where Bristol Farms used to be. That info supposedly comes from someone who will be working at the new location.
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    Newer Irvine listings with crazy WTF asking prices from equity sellers

    I’ve never seen this in a listing before. An incentive for the buyer’s agent to convince their client to offer list or higher. But then they’re only offering 1.5% to the buyer’s agent. So even if they get that bonus it’s pretty close to the typical 2%...
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    Newer Irvine listings with crazy WTF asking prices from equity sellers

    $997/sq ft in Stonegate. That’s a hell of a ROI. Bought in September 2020 for $1.065m, and sold 3.5 years later for $2.108m. No renovations as far as I can tell compared to the pics from 2020. I like how their staging consists of leaving a plant in a corner in each room...
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    Homeowner's Insurance - anyone successfully insure a condo?

    The number they list after each zip code is the number of policies that are affected. So while Calabasas has 1090 homes affected, 92602 only has one home affected.
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    Homeowner's Insurance - anyone successfully insure a condo?

    They’re just non-renewing a single home in 92602, not the entire zip code.
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    Retail Openings and Closures

    They have a location in Lake Forest, it’s really good.
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    Newer Irvine listings with crazy WTF asking prices from equity sellers

    Closed for $758k over list. That 2020 buyer sure is feeling the pain 😉
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    Newer Irvine listings with crazy WTF asking prices from equity sellers

    Wow, that one closed for $100k over list.
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    Newer Irvine listings with crazy WTF asking prices from equity sellers

    This El Camino home just closed for $1.735m. It was trashed and sold for $1.075m in August. Original condition:
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    Newer Irvine listings with crazy WTF asking prices from equity sellers

    That other house in El Camino that someone died in and was trashed is being listed next week for $1.65m. It sold for $1.075m in August.
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    Adler at Saddle Crest in Silverado by Tri Pointe Homes

    I went with a $2500 deductible. $1000 would have been $175 more per year, and increasing to $5000 would have saved an additional $150/year. That seems like a huge discount for a relatively small increase in your deductible. They’re pricing it like you’re going to have a claim once every 3 years.
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    Newer Irvine listings with crazy WTF asking prices from equity sellers

    Last chance for a SFH under $1M in Irvine. I wonder what it even looks like inside. And yikes at the tree growing from the corner of the house.
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    Tustin Air Base Hangar on fire

    The line about "no known risk of asbestos contamination" was removed from the LA Times article. Makes me think there is a risk and someone told them to remove that part.