I checked their page on Yelp a little over a week ago and their reviews were horrible. Like a 2.8 average after 30ish reviews with as many 1 star reviews as 5 stars reviews. Now suddenly they have a 4.2 average with a ton of positive 1-2 line reviews. One of the reviews gave away their secret...
I’ve never seen this in a listing before. An incentive for the buyer’s agent to convince their client to offer list or higher. But then they’re only offering 1.5% to the buyer’s agent. So even if they get that bonus it’s pretty close to the typical 2%...
$997/sq ft in Stonegate. That’s a hell of a ROI. Bought in September 2020 for $1.065m, and sold 3.5 years later for $2.108m. No renovations as far as I can tell compared to the pics from 2020. I like how their staging consists of leaving a plant in a corner in each room...
The number they list after each zip code is the number of policies that are affected. So while Calabasas has 1090 homes affected, 92602 only has one home affected.
This El Camino home just closed for $1.735m. It was trashed and sold for $1.075m in August.
Original condition:
That other house in El Camino that someone died in and was trashed is being listed next week for $1.65m. It sold for $1.075m in August.
I went with a $2500 deductible. $1000 would have been $175 more per year, and increasing to $5000 would have saved an additional $150/year.
That seems like a huge discount for a relatively small increase in your deductible. They’re pricing it like you’re going to have a claim once every 3 years.
Last chance for a SFH under $1M in Irvine. I wonder what it even looks like inside. And yikes at the tree growing from the corner of the house.
The line about "no known risk of asbestos contamination" was removed from the LA Times article. Makes me think there is a risk and someone told them to remove that part.