Take It To The Politics Thread

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We can probably get Zovall to add a category so we can sort it out. Like all "Water Cooler" topics, politics can be a nice diversion as long as it doesn't take over the forum.
<p>Thanks for firing up this thread skekker my boy... Personally, I'm all for less taxes and less government so it shall be McCain for me. I give a rip about terrorism and if the government has to snoop phone calls, intercept emails, etc. without a warrant to keep me from having to watch something like the WTC collapse again, they I say go for it. I pray that in my lifetime I never have to witness even a fraction of the number of deaths I did that day. I've got nothing to hide so why should I care if some government analyst is reading my emails?! I wouldn't want anyone to tell me I can't own my Magnum either. It's old, but it'll do fine if someone came in to my house to hurt my family... </p>
<p>I will, for the first time be voting on the democratic side.</p>

<p>I like McCain and he is indeed a true war hero. The hub read all 3 of the books and his response to McCain's was he wanted our son to read it and do a psych eval. I would have voted for McCain last time around, but now he is too old. Plus he admits he has a nasty temper. Not a good thing for a person with their finger on the nuclear button.</p>

<p>None of the candidates knows squat about the economy, as far as I can see. Maybe that's not such a bad thing since nobody really knows anything about the economy.</p>

<p>I think that the primary season goes on for far too long. I'm sick of it already.</p>

<p>And I wonder about Obama sitting in that church, not for 20 weeks, but 20 years, and apparently never saying anything to the pastor to tone it down. I rather liked the pastor, by the way, in the more than snippets I saw on tv.</p>

<p>I do like black preachers. they can really get the house rockin'. Unlike the Catholic priests whose sermons I had to endure week after week as a kid. Booorrring.</p>
At this point I'm in the McCain camp also. Clinton scares me. I don't know much about Obama other than he's going to pull out of Iraq and talks about "change". I think he's got a positive attitude, but other than that what is he really going to do when change tires hit the road ?
The one thing going for Obama if he does get elected is that he will have a more favorable congress to enact change. The Democrats will almost certainly pick up seats in the Senate this year adding to their majority. I don't know about the House, but they will almost certainly keep their solid majority there. WIth a working majority in Congress, a Democratic President will have an opportunity to pursue an agenda. The Republicans will fillibuster stuff in the Senate, but there is only so much obstructionism you can accomplish with a fillibuster. I would imagine all the Bush tax cuts will be allowed to expire, plus we will probably see some kind of healthcare initiative passed. Basically, it will be the worst nightmare of Conservative Republicans.
<p>Well, if you have a road, or a bridge which is not going to collapse, or a new water system (I understand that the present ones have huge wasteful leakage), then yeah, it is not so bad.</p>

<p>Do you think water systems, say, should be constructed by the gov-mint. Just asking.</p>
The think the most important legislation for me is AMT reform. The patch over the last couple of years has saved us a bundle... If that patch went away or if AMT wasn't reformed properly I'd be very pissed.
<em>"Do you think water systems, say, should be constructed by the gov-mint. Just asking."</em>

They aren't here in California. The majority of our infrastructure is put in by private individuals and passed on to homeowners through higher home prices and Mello Roos taxes.
<em>>>They aren't here in California. The majority of our infrastructure is put in by private individuals and passed on to homeowners through higher home prices and Mello Roos taxes.</em>

That is mostly true for the delivery to the individual lot. But what about prior to that? Snake the pipe and you will run into the Irvine Ranch Water District, the Metropolitan Water District, the state water project, and depending on the purpose for the dam (flood control vs. irrigation) either the federal Bureau of Reclamation or the Army Corps of Engineers.

Oh, and I forgot that the Supreme Court settles disputes among the states for water rights / allotments.
<p>Who takes care of upkeep within the subdivision? The HOA? The local gov't? Frankly, I don't know who does it in Fla. I think it's the local govt, but might be wrong.</p>

<p>Hey, nude was that you on CR? Or, blush, could it be there is ANOTHER nude?</p>
<p><em>Tanta and I tangled once or twice over bailouts so I think she just ignores me now</em></p>

<p>Practicing your favorite hobby again? </p>