Straw poll on gay marriage

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[quote author="Trooper" date=1225932258]Alright, I'm getting tweaked that I'm receiving so many private PM's in support.....but they don't post them publicly.

What's wrong PM'rs... are you afraid to let people know how you really feel ? Or are you the ones that told me "I'm against Prop 8", but secretly voted for it.

The message is confusing.

If you support me, please post here and do not PM me.

Thank you.</blockquote>

I didn't send you a PM, but I'll tell you right here in public - I was against it, didn't vote for it, and support you fully.

I'm still shocked that so many voters had their heads up their asses and voted "yes."
Thank you profette.

The true irony of Stonewall is that the riot was brought about by homophobic police officers raiding that bar one too many times (their bad at doing it on the night of Judy Garland's death....D'oh)

And I am a gay police officer. So it has come full circle.

In my youth, I twice had the gay bar I was in, raided. "To check for ID's and underage drinking". It was totally disrupting and frightening to all of us that were "in the closet".... and they fucking KNEW it.

I ask, did ANY of you ever go through a bar raid at your straight establishment ? Really, c'mon now..I want to know.
[quote author="Trooper" date=1225932258]Alright, I'm getting tweaked that I'm receiving so many private PM's in support.....but they don't post them publicly.

What's wrong PM'rs... are you afraid to let people know how you really feel ? Or are you the ones that told me "I'm against Prop 8", but secretly voted for it.

The message is confusing.

If you support me, please post here and do not PM me.

Thank you.</blockquote>

I support you, and I voted no. I even honked each time I drove through the No on 8 gauntlet at the corner of Culver and Alton for the past couple of weeks. Although I will admit I was a little pissed that it slowed traffic down at times, when I needed to be somewhere....

You'll get 'em next time. This time is 10 points better than the last time it was on the ballot. Trending is on your side.
Y<em>ou?ll get ?em next time. This time is 10 points better than the last time it was on the ballot. Trending is on your side</em>

Thank you CK, but quite frankly...I'm tired of waiting for America to "get used to me". My life is passing me by. I'll be damned if gay equality isn't reached by the time I die.

I will do whatever it takes to make that happen.

I'm so fucking upset.
[quote author="Trooper" date=1225932541]Thank you profette.

The true irony of Stonewall is that the riot was brought about by homophobic police officers raiding that bar one too many times (their bad at doing it on the night of Judy Garland's death....D'oh)

And I am a gay police officer. So it has come full circle.

In my youth, I twice had the gay bar I was in, raided. "To check for ID's and underage drinking".

I ask, did ANY of you ever go through a bar raid at your straight establishment ? Really, c'mon now..I want to know.</blockquote>

I have never experienced one. Discrimination is a terrible thing.

When I got to work I was checking the prop results with a coworker. I know I can be heard across several cube rows and that there are some very conservative people within earshot. I didn't care and voiced, loudly, how messed up I think this is. Several times. Several different ways.
[quote author="Trooper" date=1225932258]Alright, I'm getting tweaked that I'm receiving so many private PM's in support.....but they don't post them publicly.

What's wrong PM'rs... are you afraid to let people know how you really feel ? Or are you the ones that told me "I'm against Prop 8", but secretly voted for it.

The message is confusing.

If you support me, please post here and do not PM me.

Thank you.</blockquote>

You're such a bully sometimes...


I don't know what to say today reading in the news about our Prop 8. (not just YOUR prop 8). I remember feeling this way when OJ was found "not guilty" - the day I lost all faith in our trial court system.

I voted NO, and would have without your cheerleading. But your efforts got me to talk my wife specifically about this issue and she decided to change her position to voting NO also, which was a huge thing for my staunch Catholic-upbringing girl. (I watched her fill her absentee ballot out to make sure!) It was not easy to swing her one vote, but you inspired me to talk with her about it, so you've made a difference.

The silver lining of this may be as Skek pointed out - the decision should be elevated to a Supreme Court case and they can settle it as unconstitutional on a federal level, and not just on a state-by-state basis. We can hope.

BTW, the "farm animals" vote is just adding insult to injury.

Give me a call if you need to talk with a friend today.

Trooper, I am sad for you. For the record I've never worked in a gay bar but have worked in establishments that were raided regularly for "moral" reasons.

I think the same turn-out that delivered an Obama win also provided a loss for you. CNN went into some detail on the demographics on this vote and one pundit pointed out that black women overwhelmingly voted Yes on 8, 74% in favor. The exit polls link on the CNN page confirms this.

Again, my wife and I share your anger and disappointment. Try not to lose all hope for the future because you have a lot more support than you realize.
OC Register still says too close to call, but here's more silver lining

<a href="">Too Close to Call</a>

Opponents of the measure are already preparing court challenges against the vote. Also, attorney Gloria Allred has scheduled a noon press conference to discuss a lawsuit she is filing on behalf of a lesbian couple.
[quote author="stepping_up" date=1225933480]OC Register still says too close to call, but here's more silver lining

<a href="">Too Close to Call</a>

Opponents of the measure are already preparing court challenges against the vote. Also, attorney Gloria Allred has scheduled a noon press conference to discuss a lawsuit she is filing on behalf of a lesbian couple.</blockquote>

It's the liberal way. If we win, it's LEGITIMATE!! If we lose, well it's VOTER FRAUD of some sort.
[quote author="optimusprime" date=1225933592][quote author="stepping_up" date=1225933480]OC Register still says too close to call, but here's more silver lining

<a href="">Too Close to Call</a>

Opponents of the measure are already preparing court challenges against the vote. Also, attorney Gloria Allred has scheduled a noon press conference to discuss a lawsuit she is filing on behalf of a lesbian couple.</blockquote>

It's the liberal way. If we win, it's LEGITIMATE!! If we lose, well it's VOTER FRAUD of some sort.</blockquote>

<img src="" alt="" />
[quote author="GOTTI" date=1225933746][quote author="optimusprime" date=1225933592][quote author="stepping_up" date=1225933480]OC Register still says too close to call, but here's more silver lining

<a href="">Too Close to Call</a>

Opponents of the measure are already preparing court challenges against the vote. Also, attorney Gloria Allred has scheduled a noon press conference to discuss a lawsuit she is filing on behalf of a lesbian couple.</blockquote>

It's the liberal way. If we win, it's LEGITIMATE!! If we lose, well it's VOTER FRAUD of some sort.</blockquote>

<img src="" alt="" /></blockquote>

Typical Liberal response. Seriously. Shoot me down with a fact.
<em>It?s the liberal way. If we win, it?s LEGITIMATE!! If we lose, well it?s VOTER FRAUD of some sort.</em>

Optimus....not sure if your comment came across in the wrong way....but it seems as if you are saying I'm insinuating voter fraud.

I am not.

I think these stats are legit and I'm pissed.

I've taken the night off and I'll be demonstrating tonight in West Hollywood.
Check out the cities that went NO on Prop 8 - Irvine (58% went for Obama), Aliso Viejo (53% Obama), Costa Mesa (52% Obama), Laguna Beach (63% for Obama). (edit: AV and CM went to Obama too)

Santa Ana, the city with the most support for Obama (64%), also went overwhelmingly for Prop 8 (60%). Religion "rears" its ugly head yet again.

<a href=""></a>
[quote author="GOTTI" date=1225933920]Here's a fact, you're a fuckin' prick.</blockquote>

Yes, the civil Liberal. Thanks for proving my point.