Phil & Teds Double Stroller


New member
Anyone have the Phil & Teds inline double stroller? Are you happy with it?

We have a BOB Revolution Duallie which is great for strolling outdoors. Perfect for going to the park, walking around the beach, etc. But I hate having to haul it in and out of the car and maneuvering it when I have to go into a store. At 33 pounds, that thing is a beast. I can barely haul it into the car. And shopping with it can sometimes be challenging because it is wider than a single stroller. My husband hates it because of the width. I bought it at REI, intending to test-drive it for the weekend (they have a generous return policy), but on my very first trip outside with it, my potty-training daughter had an "accident" on it. Ah well. No way my conscience would let me return it in that condition.

I've been lustfully looking at the P&T Dash and the P&T Vibe, but can't get myself to pull the trigger and get one. Is it worth the money to buy yet another stroller just for running errands? Or is it a case of the grass is always greener, and I should just stick with what I have (which is a very nice stroller)?

Any other suggestions for double strollers for a small 4 year old and even tinier 2 year old?
I went with the Joovy Caboose, the new model that is even lighter than the old model. The reason I love it is that it folds up so compactly, which leaves me alot of trunk space for groceries and such.

But I am actually getting ready to sell mine. I have a heavy and headstrong 5 year old that no longer wants to ride. But until now it has been awesome.

Let me know if you are interested and I could sell you mine.

Here is the link to it:
I'm actually really glad that I don't have to talk about strollers anymore. Phil and Ted's kind of cracked me up because it reminds me of Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. Our adventures with strollers haven't been so excellent. We still use our double jogging stroller from time to time but I really don't think that anyone has perfected a stroller that I would recommend, we've just been through too many. It doesn't matter how much they cost, there's something wrong with all of them. Just be thankful that whichever stroller you choose, you won't need it for long. I guess that's a good reason not to spend too much money on it. Divide the cost by the number of months you are going to use it and you might think twice about spending a lot.
Well, the only reason I'm willing to consider another stroller purchase is because we plan on having #3. If we were going to just stop at 2, then yeah, there's no way I'd be willing to shell out any more money on strollers.

*sigh* You're right though, there is no "perfect" stroller.