Obama's change?

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I'm not an expert in politics but I thought Obama's campaign against Hillary for the nomination was about moving away from the Clinton era.

His staff picks are former Clinton admin... and now Hillary may be SecState... huh?
Right now I just thank god that the Functional Moron we have had in office for the last eight years will finally be gone. Funny how conservatives worry about Taxes while the incumbant allows the treasury to be looted for Hundreds of Billions before he leaves office. Next will be pardons for all the thieves and war criminals of the Bush era.
As conservative I am relatively pleased with a couple of the cabinet appointments so far. Rahm is a hardline supporter of Israel (check), Geithner is relatively nonpartisan pick based on training and credentials (check).

However, Richardson is a loser, Napolitano is a pig, and holder is a Dem yes-man and nothing more.

We all know the "change" Obama ran on was in reference to the Republicans. However, it never occured to me that he meant a break from the same old tried+failed Dem policies. The good news is he is reaching back to the Clinton era, rather than to Carter.
Those worn-out conservatives who were so thrilled to see new faces that they completely embraced that dolt, Sarah Palin. That's not change. That's continued incompetence and cronyism.

We don't need "new faces" going forward. We need a new direction. We need competence. We need people who know WTF is going on.
Not criticizing... just wondering. I understand he needs to make things peaceful within his party... and is looking for experience... I'm just wondering how that will polarize people who felt that he was supposed to be a change from both Bush and Clinton.
[quote author="No_Such_Reality" date=1227522250]Not to nitpick,

but can we get to Day 1 of his administration before we start critizing every move he makes?</blockquote>

Did Democrats wait that long back in 2001?

Panda has missed you.. Where have you been?

I have changed from a Panda "Bear" to a Panda "Optimus". Notice how my avitar has changed?
[quote author="WINEX" date=1227557799][quote author="No_Such_Reality" date=1227522250]Not to nitpick,

but can we get to Day 1 of his administration before we start critizing every move he makes?</blockquote>

Did Democrats wait that long back in 2001?</blockquote>

We waited till after the inauguration to Egg his Limo in the parade. Never mind he did not win the popular vote either. He lost that by 500,000 votes. History will look very poorly

on GW Bush.
[quote author="bltserv" date=1227584208][quote author="WINEX" date=1227557799][quote author="No_Such_Reality" date=1227522250]Not to nitpick,

but can we get to Day 1 of his administration before we start critizing every move he makes?</blockquote>

Did Democrats wait that long back in 2001?</blockquote>

We waited till after the inauguration to Egg his Limo in the parade. Never mind he did not win the popular vote either. He lost that by 500,000 votes. History will look very poorly

on GW Bush.</blockquote>

Just like it did for Abe Lincoln and Harry S. Truman?
[quote author="optimusprime" date=1227588508][quote author="bltserv" date=1227584208][quote author="WINEX" date=1227557799][quote author="No_Such_Reality" date=1227522250]Not to nitpick,

but can we get to Day 1 of his administration before we start critizing every move he makes?</blockquote>

Did Democrats wait that long back in 2001?</blockquote>

We waited till after the inauguration to Egg his Limo in the parade. Never mind he did not win the popular vote either. He lost that by 500,000 votes. History will look very poorly

on GW Bush.</blockquote>

Just like it did for Abe Lincoln and Harry S. Truman?</blockquote>

Abe Lincoln and GW Bush comparisons ? Wow.

Dude you call me when they build the Bush Monument on the National Mall. Or ad his face to Mount Rushmore. That will be a cold day in hell.

Or for that matter use his name on anything other than some Grammer School or Outhouse in Texas.
[quote author="optimusprime" date=1227588508][quote author="bltserv" date=1227584208][quote author="WINEX" date=1227557799][quote author="No_Such_Reality" date=1227522250]Not to nitpick,

but can we get to Day 1 of his administration before we start critizing every move he makes?</blockquote>

Did Democrats wait that long back in 2001?</blockquote>

We waited till after the inauguration to Egg his Limo in the parade. Never mind he did not win the popular vote either. He lost that by 500,000 votes. History will look very poorly

on GW Bush.</blockquote>

Just like it did for Abe Lincoln and Harry S. Truman?</blockquote>

"System overload- DOES NOT COMPUTE"...WTF?
[quote author="no_vaseline" date=1227619905]lulz for Optimus. That was an epic troll.</blockquote>

And I fell for it too.
Although it does make me think about how GWB would have butchered the Gettysburg Address:

Four scores and 7 years ago. . .I think that is like 64 years ago. . . our forefathers. . heh heh heh. . mission accomplished!!!!
After Obama's press conference today (the third one in three days) I'm even more convinced about the change.

Remember folks, compentency hurts.

Pic unrelated (but not really):

<a href="http://img456.imageshack.us/img456/3194/nd13wewseirn1bj2.jpg">I can't link the imageshack picture. You'll have to click for it.</a>