Biking to work, why don't you? List your excuses here...

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OK, we all know that Gas is going to hit $5 before too long, the ultimate way to commute these Days is by the good old Bicycle, of course, there are lots of reasons ( and excuses) why more People don't ride a Bike to work so let's hear 'em!

<blockquote>OK, we all know that Gas is going to hit $5 before too long, the ultimate way to commute these Days is by the good old Bicycle, of course, there are lots of reasons ( and excuses) why more People don?t ride a Bike to work so let?s hear ?em! </blockquote>
I work from home. It would take longer for me to ride my bike from the garage to my upstairs office then it would be to just walk up the stairs.

Am I excused from riding my bike to work? %-P
I did yesterday. I do once/week. I'd like to do it twice/week, but....

My excuses for not doing it everyday: takes 1 hr each way, have to run errands, no shower at work-so no go if I have a meeting, or it is too hot
......notice....the.......(gasp)....excellent.....curb.....(pant).....appeal.....and.....(huff)......I....think.....(gasp)'re....really....gonna....(grimace) schools.
1. no shower at the office.

2. nerves. my hands go numb riding. sometimes my hand goes numb holding my beloved coffee.

3. i'm lazy.

you should try the ergonomic handles

<a href=""></a>
I run in the mornings, so I am too tired to bike the 30 miles from my home to my work. Also, I don't have the time it would take. I estimate that if I took surface streets from Newport to Long Beach, it would take me at least 90 minutes each way. Oh, and I don't feel real safe riding to work in the mornings - there are too many sleepy people on the road. I used to bike from Irvine to MV, 12 miles, but I had bike paths for most of that.
I feel like I should at least sometimes. I have considered it. My job in Lake Forest is 7 miles from Woodbury where I rent. We have a shower at work. So my remaining excuses are:

1) Despite trying many times I can't get comfortable riding my bike around cars. I'm new to CA and bike lanes were scarce and rarely respected where I'm from.

2) It would take longer

3) I'd lose flexibility around working late (would exacerbate #1) and running errands
I have been riding my bike to work since mid april.

In the past week I have seen the number of people riding their bike in the morn/eve (I assume to work) jump dramatically (from 1-2 to 6-8)

I think gas prices may have a little influence on that.
[quote author="caycifish" date=1213247025]When I'm not working from home, my commute is 93 miles to Ventura County. Is that a good enough reason?</blockquote>

No, Cay, I'm afraid not. You're not hardcore, unless you live hardcore! :coolsmile:
I've noticed that too on my drive to work. Many more bikers on Irvine Blvd and Bake Parkway then even a month or so ago.
I've thought about it - a lot. It's only about 7 miles, but half of it would be through a really bad neighborhood with bad drivers (think people who drive the wrong way on one way streets). I also wouldn't have bike lanes along half the route. If I left around 7 am, it might be ok, but traffic coming home around 4 pm could be an issue.
I've biked before and enjoyed the 10 miles to work in the morning. I leave about 6AM and there are few cars on my route, but the real problem is the 10 miles home. I usually go to kick boxing after work and I can't make the class I want or I am trying to get home to surf River jetties for a few hours. It really is just an inconvenience on the way home...the way there is a fun way to wake up, get some exercise and get to work.

I started looking into Plan B which is a scooter. I am hoping someone on here has one or knows about them. I weigh about 220lbs and don't know if a 125cc would carry me, let alone +1, over 55mph. The step up to a 250cc is not out of the question, but the styling of the scooters gets away from the Vespa look I like.

Any thoughts or comments besides the laughs I have already gotten from friends? I'll take 70+ mpg any day over my 18mpg on my Tundra.

And for those suggesting a real motorcycle...out of the question. Way to many things going on at once...I want give it some gas and go, no clutches.
Well, thanks for all the responses, obviously Biking isn't for everyone but I had a good laugh at some of the Posts...

[quote author="Newport Trojan" date=1213274038]I've biked before and enjoyed the 10 miles to work in the morning. I leave about 6AM and there are few cars on my route, but the real problem is the 10 miles home. I usually go to kick boxing after work and I can't make the class I want or I am trying to get home to surf River jetties for a few hours. It really is just an inconvenience on the way home...the way there is a fun way to wake up, get some exercise and get to work.

I started looking into Plan B which is a scooter. I am hoping someone on here has one or knows about them. I weigh about 220lbs and don't know if a 125cc would carry me, let alone +1, over 55mph. The step up to a 250cc is not out of the question, but the styling of the scooters gets away from the Vespa look I like.

Any thoughts or comments besides the laughs I have already gotten from friends? I'll take 70+ mpg any day over my 18mpg on my Tundra.

And for those suggesting a real motorcycle...out of the question. Way to many things going on at once...I want give it some gas and go, no clutches.</blockquote>

They do make a Vespa 250 I think? I like the look of the new Vintage ones...but in any case, new ones are spendy, the $6k pricetag will buy a lot of Gas...But as Henry Ford once said "If you need a machine and don't buy it you will pay for it and don't have it" or something like that...

Another alternative is <a href="">the Electric Bike</a> from a Company in Laguna beach, one model does 45 mph...that's scary fast on a Bicycle... :ahhh:

Imagine the looks on Motorists' Faces as you zoom past whilst pretending to Pedal... :lol: