An exhaustive list of all the Bike rides coming up this year..

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New member fact there are so many it's possible to do 3 centuries in one Day if one so wishes...

Makes me feel tired just thinking about it...

<a href="">Here's the list...</a>
Dont forget about The Traverse, May 9....

46 miles, 8350 feet ascent. I am going to be extremely sore.
yup, his list is road weenie only.

share poker ride at el moro in a few weeks

frog fest in two months

hurkey, laguna, temecula, etc...

but i can't find one big listing for the dirty set.
[quote author="PeterUK" date=1238681658]it's possible to do 3 centuries in one Day if one so wishes...</blockquote>

You and I have different definitions of possible!
[quote author="MojoJD" date=1238737738]Are you going to Hurkey 24h? I never miss it. Half race, half vacation.</blockquote>

not this year. was thinking of 8h this spring, but it didn't happen. maybe next year!

my team did 5 in a row, then we kindof broke up. we did get two thirds and a second in the 5p coeds, though, which is pretty darn good considering how old we were (200+yrs).
Yeah I'm a Road weenie and have the utmost respect for MTB'ers...

I bought a Cannondale Caffeine 29'er with every intention of going offroad and i did once, I crashed on the Rocks and also realized there were no Coffee Shops en-route so I sold it...

Now I just ride Road and a fixie Commuter Bike...
[quote author="PeterUK" date=1238745502]realized there were no Coffee Shops en-route so I sold it...</blockquote>

First, PeterUK is indeed a <strong>weenie.</strong> But, it's not because he's a roadie.

I go both ways: road and Mtn.

Both are challenging in their own ways. Dodging cars can be quite hazardous, but being chased by

a foul-tempered boar thru the jungle is no picnic either. I ride my beloved FELT road bike most of the time, but sometimes

you just wanna get muddy!

<img src="" alt="" />
So I start a Thread by Posting a list of Centuries and Doubles and end up being Weenie..

Why do threads seem to detriorate when I'm involved..

Don't answer that!!

Isnt the caffeine 29'er a hard tail? That would not have been my choice for starter bikes if you weren't familiar with downhill rocks.
[quote author="MojoJD" date=1238801274]Isnt the caffeine 29'er a hard tail? That would not have been my choice for starter bikes if you weren't familiar with downhill rocks.</blockquote>

Yeah, it's a hard tail, the funny part was I fell going uphill, we were doing the Santiago truck trail, I ran into some loose gravel, lost traction, came to a standstill and of course fell over because I was clipped in....

In retrospect, it was probably too technical of a climb with all the rain grooves and Baby heads for a first time off-road ride..
I'm glad I found this trail. I need to get back on my bike. I've done Peter's canyon quite a few time and San Juan (downhill only) once. I tried to do Quail trail last weekend, but I believe you need to ask Irvine Ranch Reserve (or something like this before).

PM me if some of you guys are already meeting up on Saturday or Sunday. I would love to join.
sunday 330pm chino hills;=&area;=&Date=4/12/2009

(will be a live link tomorrow, I think)
If you guys are MTB'ers you must have seen the <a href="">Fat Cyclist</a> It's one of the best written and funniest Blogs on the net..

<em><strong>Use training analogies as a way to excuse yourself for slacking:</strong> Every cyclist knows you don?t get fast by always sprinting. Nosirree. You get fast by through a mysterious and complex sequence of efforts. Similarly, it can be asserted that you don?t succeed in the workplace by always working ?til you?re frazzled and burned out. You need to alternate between easy projects and difficult ones. You need to surf the web for a few hours, as a ?recovery period.? And when your boss tells you that you always seem to be working at a snail?s pace, you just need to tell her that you?re getting in some base miles right now. </em>

*whistles...* what do you think I'm doing here?
I assume you also know about <a href="">Geoladders</a>.

Has anyone done the "Quail Hill-Shady Oaks Singletracks"? I might try this on Sunday morning.