Alternative Medicine Pediatrician?

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ps9 said:
This will be extremely hard to pass.  People don't like being told what to do, especially if it involves sticking you kid with inorganic, super articifical, non free range, you bet your ass it's GMO vaccines.  They need to stress that the most vulnerable people in our population will be newborns/infants.  They do not get vaccinated til 12 months.  Do not kill babies.

NYC public schools have requirements. They only allow a very very small % of students exemptions. In fact, a lot of my east coast friends were confused as to why this is such a big issue in California before realizing how lax schools here are with regards to immunizations.
irvinehomeowner said:

Our youngest has severe allergies her ped and allergist both recommending not doing the MMR at the 12 month mark.  She is 17 months now and will start montessori soon.  Not sure what to do.  Do we risk a severe allergic reaction to the MMR and get her vaccinated or do we risk her getting measles. 
rkp said:
Our youngest has severe allergies her ped and allergist both recommending not doing the MMR at the 12 month mark.  She is 17 months now and will start montessori soon.  Not sure what to do.  Do we risk a severe allergic reaction to the MMR and get her vaccinated or do we risk her getting measles.
Can you find a Montessori which requires everyone, except those with medical conditions, to be vaccinated? If you did that, at least from a school perspective, you'd likely have pretty strong "herd" immunity that would I would think minimize the risk.  That said, you should pose your question to your pediatrician. 
And the results are in--more kids have been vaccinated. Laguna Beach still has the strongest anti-vaxxer parents, with only 86% of kindergartners getting vaccines.


Vaccination law passed after 2014 Disneyland measles outbreak increased immunizations in Orange County

By JORDAN GRAHAM | | Orange County Register
PUBLISHED: May 15, 2017 at 5:15 pm | UPDATED: May 15, 2017 at 6:56 pm

A state law passed in response to a 2014 measles outbreak at Disneyland has boosted immunization rates among Orange County kindergartners and reduced the number of school districts where low vaccination rates threaten to cause the spread of disease, according to an Orange County Grand Jury report released Monday.

Senate Bill 277, which became one of the strictest vaccine laws in the nation when it took effect in mid-2016, eliminated a loophole that allowed families to opt out of state immunization laws by saying vaccinations conflicted with their personal beliefs. Parts of Orange County have been hot spots for the ?anti-vaxxer? movement ? especially in some affluent, coastal South County communities ? but the grand jury report shows that several school districts with a history of low immunization rates have reached healthy levels since the new law?s implementation.

Two years ago, six of the 24 Orange County public school districts analyzed in the report had immunization levels that fell below the 92 to 94 percent ?herd immunity? threshold required to prevent the spread of disease, according to data from the California Department of Public Health and OC Health Care Agency included in the report. This school year, only two school districts ? Capistrano Unified and Laguna Beach Unified ? fell below that mark.

In total, 1,642 more kindergartners received all their immunization shots this school year compared to the previous year, and personal-belief exemptions fell from 1,270 to 269. Those changes pushed the county?s public school kindergarten population well above ?herd immunity? levels as a whole.

Many school districts worked to increase their vaccination rates by communicating the new rules to parents of incoming kindergartners as long as six months before the start of the school year and by personally calling parents of older students who previously had personal-belief exemptions, informing them of the new legislation. Schools also alerted parents of upcoming immunization deadlines by posting on social media, calling on bilingual school staff to reach out to non-English speaking parents, and placing robo-call reminders, according to the report.

?We communicated really proactively to our parent communities, let them know about the law and let them know they would have to have their kids vaccinated,? said Annette Franco, spokeswoman for Newport-Mesa Unified School District, which saw a 9 percent increase in the number of fully immunized kindergartners over the past two school years.

Gov. Jerry Brown signed SB 277  in June 2015, only seven months after a statewide measles outbreak began when several visitors to Disneyland in Anaheim reported contracting the disease. By April, the outbreak infected 131 people in California, hospitalizing 25 of them. Of those who were infected, 70 percent weren?t vaccinated.

Parents have offered various reasons in recent years for not immunizing their children. Some have been wary of vaccines, worried that they might physically harm the kids. Some offered a religious explanation. Others said they were too busy and forgot or didn?t have the time to take their children to the doctor.

Children must be immunized against nine diseases: diphtheria, hepatitis B., measles, mumps, whooping cough, polio, rubella, tetanus and chicken pox.

After the law?s passage, school officials in California worried that some parents might pull their children out of public school rather than have the kids vaccinated ? a move that could have cut funding to some school districts. However, the grand jury found no significant change in public school enrollment in Orange County.

Several Orange County school districts saw significant jumps in their kindergarten immunization rates last school year.

At Capistrano Unified, only 73 percent of kindergartners were fully vaccinated at the start of the 2013-14 school year. Last year, that figure jumped to 90 percent. At Saddleback Valley Unified, the full-immunization rate among kindergartners increased from 86 percent two years ago to 94 percent this year.

The latest measles threat at an Orange County school occurred in April, when an unvaccinated Laguna Beach High School student contracted the disease. The county quarantined the student and the school barred six other unvaccinated students who may have been exposed to the virus. Laguna Beach Unified has increased its kindergartner immunization by 15 percent over the last four years, but it still falls below ?herd immunity? levels.?

California still allows children to avoid vaccinations with a medical waiver from their doctor. The number of medical exemptions among Orange County kindergartners nearly quadrupled over the last two years, from 92 to 348.

The Grand Jury did not look at whether rates of immunization changed among older students, who must also continue to receive vaccines.

Officials from Capistrano Unified and Laguna Beach Unified did not immediately return calls for comment.
iacrenter said:
And the results are in--more kids have been vaccinated. Laguna Beach still has the strongest anti-vaxxer parents, with only 86% of kindergartners getting vaccines.


I call it the hypocrisy index.  I find great irony that some of the bluest voting, high income, high education areas are also the largest non-vaccination areas when it was easy.  There's this concept that anti-vaxxers are these uneducated luddite rural rubes when the reality is many of the people not vaccinating are advanced degree, top 10% incomers or higher and living in elite suburbs of our major cities.

nosuchreality said:
iacrenter said:
And the results are in--more kids have been vaccinated. Laguna Beach still has the strongest anti-vaxxer parents, with only 86% of kindergartners getting vaccines.


I call it the hypocrisy index.  I find great irony that some of the bluest voting, high income, high education areas are also the largest non-vaccination areas when it was easy.  There's this concept that anti-vaxxers are these uneducated luddite rural rubes when the reality is many of the people not vaccinating are advanced degree, top 10% incomers or higher and living in elite suburbs of our major cities.

Advanced degrees, highly educated "idiots" basically.
But I also suspect most of the bread winners in these households are the men who are hardly around and the vaccination decision makers of the household are your stereotypical uneducated stay at home trophy wives/ moms/ herbal naturopath loving hippies. And as a result it's their poor children (and the rest of society - ESP the vulnerable who are unable to get vaccinated for medical reasons) that suffer. It should be a crime to not vaccinate your children, with heavy tax penalties
If you want alternative medicine, why see a pediatrician?  Also,if they get super sick, don't go to an ER.  They are MD'S.