Bitter Renter Meme


New member
I'll go first.

Since I started coming to these boards a short time ago, I have noticed a recurring response from market bulls: the bitter renter meme. It usually takes the form of a derogatory putdown where all bubble blog readers are characterized as hapless fools who missed out on the greatest real estate boom of all time due to our stupidity or lack of courage, and we are jealous of the riches being enjoyed by the superior class of those brilliant enough to become homeowners. There are many variations on this, but they all seem to characterize renters/blog readers with common traits: (1) jealousy as our primary motivation, (2) stupidity or timidity to explain our market inaction, (3) inferiority as a general result of 1 and 2. Anybody else noticed this?
I've definitely noticed it although not too much on this blog (thankfully). We've got a bunch of readers that are homeowners as well as many readers that are capable of buying but have chosen to rent. I'm a homeowner and I'm bearish on the market. I'm sure there are others like me although I think you'd be hard pressed to find renters who are bullish on the market ;)