Recent content by misme

  1. M

    Newer Irvine listings with crazy WTF asking prices from equity sellers

    Should American citizens be allowed to buy cheap houses in Italy, Portugal and Spain? Should Americans be allowed to buy cheap houses and retire in Mexico and Thailand? Maybe poll the natives who are being priced out...
  2. M

    Tustin Air Base Hangar on fire

    shows their priorities...
  3. M

    Orchard Hills - The Groves - Keystone Pacific & HOA

    the solution (but one that likely will never pass) is a school bus system.
  4. M

    Orchard Hills - The Groves - Keystone Pacific & HOA

    No, it was always intended to eventually be a K-8. Residents had to fight for it to open the K-5 portion in the early days of OH. Either the builders pulled a fast one on you, or you didn't do your due diligence. Most people consider it a good thing to have a continuous K-8 in the neighborhood.
  5. M

    EV/Plug-in/Other vehicles

    Audi E Tron
  6. M

    [Poll] Anywhere but California

    Washington State, west of the Cascades. Been longing for cool, misty green landscapes.  But not a SoCal native, so never really got used the arid, near desert like climate here. Don't mind the rain, find it refreshing.
  7. M

    Newer Irvine listings with crazy WTF asking prices from equity sellers

    How did you know that she was 1. Chinese and 2. From the mainland? Did you talk to her and ask, or did you assume based on her appearance?
  8. M

    Irvine vs Surrounding Cities?

    I?m curious as to why you are categorically steering clear of all Catholic schools?
  9. M

    Irvine vs Surrounding Cities?

    anyway, regardless if it?s over-hype or not, as long as people buy into the idea of Irvine schools, it?s protective of your property value if you buy here, even if you decide to send your kid to private school.
  10. M

    Irvine vs Surrounding Cities?

    this is an issue that is not unique to Irvine, but to public education in California and the nation as a whole?case in point, the Ca proposed math curriculum to eliminate all math tracking until 11th grade, similar proposed changes to virginia math curriculum, proposals in Palo Alto to limit...
  11. M

    Cetara Orchard Hills The Groves Shea Homes

    There?s a fire in Riverside county and Santa Ana winds blowing it over to Orange county
  12. M

    Cetara Orchard Hills The Groves Shea Homes

    Yeah, but even after taxes that is 150k for doing nothing other than holding a spot. More than some people earn in a year working full time. SMH
  13. M

    New Community Developments

    As an added bonus, you can enjoy the fumes wafting down from the asphalt plant just a short distance up Jeffrey?priceless!
  14. M


    You can lead a horse to water but you can?t make it drink. At this point I don?t think more education is  going to make much difference. Most people who are receptive to being educated have had ample opportunity to get the shot. Oh well, Darwinism in action?
  15. M

    CA SB9 - Effect in Irvine/OC?

    I don?t disagree with you that there is a  need for denser housing,  but to allow plopping down up to 4 units in the place of 1 unit, randomly, in single family home neighborhoods the way SB9 allows it is bad planning and antithetical to the master planning principal Irvine is designed around...